Sunday 6 November 2022

Nobody is going to believe this: requested by Anonymous


The last thing 17-year old Tony remembered before blacking out completely was his best friend Simons mother performing CPR on him.

He did not know how long he was unconscious or out of it.

All he did know was when he came to that there was something completely wrong.

For some reason he was now inside his best friends mother's body.

He was standing in the bathroom practically naked apart from a bath robe.

After the initial shock and panic had worn off curiosity took over him.

He had always wondered what she looked like in the nude and now he had the opportunity to see.

Like unwrapping a Christmas present he slowly undid the tie of her robe and let it fall open.

He could not believe have magnificent her tits were.

He could not believe health firm and sensitive they were.

After playing with them for a few moments he noticed he was getting wet between his legs.

He opened the robe fully.

He could not believe how small and beautiful her pussy was.

He could not believe how warm sticky and wet it was.

He set on the bathroom counter and picked up the shaving mirror.

He spread his legs wide and placed the mirror just right so he can get a better look at what he now had.

It did not take him long to find that special spot that send electric shock waves through her body.

He could not believe hydrated felt just rubbing that little spot.

Just as he was about to slide one of her beautiful delicate fingers into her pussy a voice came from the bedroom.

It was Simons dad he was saying he had just taken his blue pill and was already getting hard.

Tony knew he couldn't stay in the bathroom all night.

He guessed he had no choice but to before her wifely duties.

Which after his little bit of exploration to her body did not seem like such a bad thing to him.

The next day he discovered his body was dead and he was now trapped forever in hers.

Which did not seem such a bad place now as he was still feeling the Afterglow of female orgasm.

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