Sunday 6 November 2022

Family confusion: requested by Anonymous

When Scott returned home from college he could not help noticing there was something wrong with his sister.

Her whole entire personality had changed in the 6-months he had been away.

She was now no better than a slapper.

She walked around the house naked.

She masturbated whenever she felt like it and brought guys home against their mother's wishes.

It was only one morning when he awoke to find his sister standing next to his bed saying I am back that he got the full story.

His sister explain to him for the past 6 months she had been possessed by the creepy next door neighbour 70 years old Joseph who had recently died.

She told him that she could not fight his control.

She was forced to watch as he did Despicable horrible and disgusting things with her body.

After calming his sister down and telling her everything would be alright he went through to find his mother and tell her what he had just been told.

The minute he walked into her bedroom he knew where the spirit of the old man had gone to.

His mother was now possessed by him.

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