Friday 4 November 2022

I should have listened to her!

The man walked up to Benjamin who was standing on the street corner and said hey sweetie I am the new pink round here and you work for me now.

I take 65% of what you make.

Benjamin who had been on the game for many years now just looked at him and said.

Nobody makes money off of my pussy but me.

The man just looked at him and said if you know what's best for you honey you do what I say.

Benjamin just looked at him and said I have been doing this business for almost 20 years and I have never needed protection.

I have never needed a man to look after me.

You can try and scare me as much as you want.

The man jumped when Benjamin pulled his concealed knife out of the sleeve of his coat and jabbed it into his crotch.

Benjamin said to him you are in for a good deal of hurting if you carried on the way are going.

The man feeling the knife pushing into his crotch look down and said angrily bitch you don't know who you're messing with!

Benjamin just said back I haven't always been a woman.

I have not always been a prostitute.

I used to be like you taking money off defences women and forcing them to do things they did not want.

So unless you want to find out how I ended up like this and what it's like to be a prostitute you walk away and you will never come back.

The man walked away shaking his head thinking the woman he had just spoken to was mad.

3 days later after trying his hustle once again in this neighbourhood he awoke to find himself in a run down motel room in a slender naked female body.

A voice that he recognised in his head said I warned you not to do it.

He sat there on the bed stinking of sex, sweat and cum wishing he had listened to her warning.

Just when he thought it could not get any worse the door open and a large man stood there.

He said clean yourself up your next client is waiting for you!


  1. Perv Man uses his possession powers to take over his neighbor, a mature housewife with 2 children.

    1. thank you for getting in touch I will work on that shortly.


  2. A shapeshifter old Man replaces a single mom.

    1. thank you for getting in touch I will work on that shortly.

