Friday 4 November 2022

How did this happen to me?

The other night Rebecca had wished she had a sister instead of a brother after he had been nasty to her once again.

The next morning her brother awoke in an pink bedroom surrounded by teddy bears as a teenage girl.

His parents thought it was funny that he was crying and saying why am I a girl.

Only he and his sister remembered his previous gender.

His sister was too embarrassed to tell him that it was her fault.

She picked him out a pretty dress and tried to get into dress girly.

He picked out the only manley things he could find it his new female wardrobe.

Skin tight jeans, t-shirts and a little leather jacket.

He was not pleased when his sister threw him a pair of knickers and a sports bra and said don't forget these.

After his sister helped and get dressed she did his hair and a little bit of makeup against his will.

After breakfast he had to use the facilities and his sister was only too happy to watch him set down and pee for the first time.

She enjoyed the discomfort on his face what to wipe and how to do it.

As they stood outside the house waiting for the school bus to pick them up is sister accidentally slept him in the tit with made him jump.

He said do you mind their sensitive.

He sister looked at him and smiled and said guess what you can try out for cheerleading practise with me today.

Your beautiful you got blonde hair nice tits shapely legs and I bet you look beautiful in the cheerleading uniform.

He just looked at his sister and said I want this day to be over and hopefully tomorrow I'll wake up as a boy again!

School as a teenage girl was a nightmare.

Girls were bullies boys were sexist pigs.

He was just glad when it was over and he could go home he took a very uncomfortable and sensual shower where he did his best not to touch what he now had.

He could not believe the first teenage girl he would get to see naked would be himself.

After dinner he went to bed early to his sister's annoyance as she wanted to give him a makeover.

When he awoke in the morning he was really hoping he had turned back into a boy

But when he lifted up the bed covers and looked down he was still a teenage girl.


  1. Evil sister who wimped out not telling the brother what she did. This is a form of Identity Theft/Identity Death of male gender.

  2. They were about the same age with maybe a year or so different, so they basically went to same school. Thou they were brother and sister, they couldn't more different. If they were born from different parents. Rebecca wished that she could have a sister instead of brother. When Rebecca's brother Steve, went to sleep, nothing strange happen. But the next day, the next morning, Steve had a surprise, he woke in a pink bedroom, fully with several stuffed, fluffy animals. But that wasn't the worst of it. He saw himself, he was a she fully physically, biologically a girl. When he went to his parents. He asked them why; he is a girl and why his room looked a girl's room. They their daughter had a bad dream. So, Steve had to go back to his newly feminine room. Then Rebecca came in while Steve was looking at his wardrobe, it was fully with dresses, skirts, blouses, shoes. But there were several slacks, jeans, shorts and several shorts.
    So, Sarah how you like your room, Sarah. Who is Sarah said Steve. Well, you are Sarah, I help you get dressed for, she picks out a dress or two for Steve/Sarah wanted to wear for the day. You got to be kidding me. He/she said. I'll pick out something you mind. Sorry I'm I wanted to help for you get used to being a girl. What you think me wearing a freaking dress and wearing heels will help me. Well yeah, she said. Well, no, it doesn't, he/she said.
    As Steve/Sarah was looking for something that he/she like. He/she pulled out the most less girlish thing he/she had. This should do for now. He said. Here your going to need theses' a pair of knickers and a sport bra. On the bed. What these for he/she asked. Well, your going need some underwear to wear. And you refuse to dress up as a girl. But your choice to be a tomboy on a bad day. So, Steve/Sarah put on the underwear, the knicker were no problem, but the sports bra was another problem. So, with some help, Rebecca helped Steve/Sarah dress up and help him/her with the minimal makeup. And then then both when to breakfast, Rebecca looked like herself, but their parents looked a bit puzzle why Sarah was a dressed as a tomboy. Rececca jumped in and said it was a bet. Before they had to go to school, Steve/Sarah had go to the bathroom. And Rebecca followed too. When they both enter, Steve/ Sarah to sit down to pee. Witch Rebecca was amused, as they both left for school.
    For Rebecca school was same more or less. But for Steve/ Sarah it was different. Thou they treated him/her as a girl. Steve/Sarah noticed how can be so cruet, and boys can be pigs at time. That strange, he/she never noticed it before. As Steve/Sarah was looking at some the athletics. And felt a pang angry or sadness. Thou he/she be a quarterback or baseball player or footballer. Maybe you shoulder try out for gymnast or ballet or cheerleading. What you think that I should try out. Some girly stuff. At that moment Rebecca looked him/her, you should try, you have a nice body for it, Sarah. When she said that Steve/Sarah winched a bit. Why should I be a cheerleader. You know, you could drive a few boys wild and get back a few girls.
    Soon the day was over, and they returned home. Steve/Sarah was glad. So do you like your first day as a girl. Like, like it was a pain and a half. So do want me to a makeover or teach a few points of how could look better. Sure, why not, it's not like I'm going to be one forever. So, they spent the night, Sarah was surprised with a little work. She looked much. I hope tomorrow, will be better. As next morning rose Steve was still Sarah. Oh no I'm still Sarah a girl when this end.
