Sunday 23 October 2022

Two lives: requested by requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef's life was a very strange one.

After being hit by lightning while fixing his TV aerial he found himself trapped in the body is of Emilia Clarke & Sophie Turner.

His time was divided equally 12 hours in one 12 hours in the other.

When it first happened to him he thought he was going mad.

He just wanted to get back to his own body and his own life.

But as the days turned into weeks the weeks turned into months and the month turned into years.

He grew to love his new life and existence.

He managed to stay in each woman's career and life in a positive way.

Sometimes things did get confusing when you have to remind yourself who body you were in his life you were living and his boyfriend's name you should call out during sex.

But despite all that he could not be happier.


  1. Josef live has changed in strange way. It started one day in a storm, then a sudden thunderstorm hit in my area, and the thing was that I got hit with a bolt of lightning hit me in that moment, I tried to fix an annetta. I that moment, I wasn't myself at all. in that moment I was someone else. But that was entirely true. I was actually two people at once, one was a woman who lived in the New England area, and another one who in the England, I think is its England, at lease the British Ises. The one in New England was Emilia Clarke a raven-haired beauty who is in urban suburb, she is a wife, to a successful businessman. The other was a blonde Brit who is a high IQ who works, for a business, at the time, either knew each other. Her name is Sophie Turner. Josef was aware both of them Emilie Clarke and Sophie Turner. But Josef consciously was aware each one for 12 hours and 12 hours for the other. Strangely Josef always in each other's body from 6am to 6 pm for one, the other because the time different about 5 to 6 hours. it was late night for one of them, and it was probably the only time for peace. Or Josef is tried to figure things why was he fully aware both there live he could them, experience, when his either Emilie Clarke or Sophie Turner when he was in their bodies at the time.
    The experience was unusual at best being two people. At same time so Josef decided to do some research, he could nothing in the normal literature, but in paranormal ones its said that it's possible that person could be transferred into another body. It's also said that if your in nexus sorta crossroad there the lay lines. That a person or persons could transferred into more than one person. It's not known either its was temporally or permanent. Which he hoped that it is temporality, so the days became weeks then it became months, a year or so. The longer Josef time in both Emillia Clarke and Sophie Turner. He was getting too aware of being both Emilie Clarke and Sophie Turner, it was like he was both of them at same time, there were times Emilie Clarke and Sophie Turner, sometimes I said things in British's accent as Emilie Clarke and Sophie Turner is at New England accent. Those slips were few. It was like Josef was both Emilie Clarke and Sophie Turner. And it like Josef was both of the two women at same time.
    But fate, karma or just plain dumb luck, both Josef's soul met, Sophie Turner at to go to the New England office. And both Emilie Clarke and Sophie Turner met, when they met it was like they knew each other. Thou they never met, being the same place. This was the first time since the incident happen.

    1. Thank you, then is that question that can one person live two separate lives, different in two different places, and if there both females. And the question is what happens if they do meet. I have read something like that, is a soul is one person or two or more people at same time.
