Sunday 23 October 2022

The Indian men's club requested by S. Ajanbahu

After the great shift hit the Earth swapping many people from many countries around the world with other People from other countries support groups and help network were setup.

A lot of the men who were now women found that they came from the same Indian.

67 year old Kalpen found himself in the body of a 25-year old black American woman's body.

25-year old Arman ended up in a Chinese American woman's body.

24-year old student
Veer ended up in the body of a white American woman's body

27-year old Doctor Sajan Doctor found himself in the body of a white American Polish immigrant woman's body.

24 year old Akash professional model found himself in the body white American woman's body.

At first they decided to meet up help each other just to being American women.

They meet up to help each adjust to a new way of life a new way of speaking and a new way of being.

Apart from running how to be women and to cope with what women had to cope with they also had to learn how to be apart of a new culture and ethnic backgrounds.

But they quickly discovered that they had another thing in common.

A large majority of them well now lesbians.

Which lead to a founding of a breakaway group which end in all their meetings in a group lesbian orgy.

Tonight's meetings all about toys.

How to use them and which ones best for you.

I myself before a good strap-on.

It's just good to have something hanging between my legs.

Now gentleman pick your toy?

Veer I think that one really suits you.

Sajan that feels really good in my pussy!

These little group therapies really do help.

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