Sunday 16 October 2022

Taylor Schilling: requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef had been practising mesmerism.

Up to now he had used it just to have fun.

But when he saw Taylor Schilling in the VIP lounge of the nightclub he decided he was going to have her.

Taylor Schilling did not know what it was about the man at the bar but she found herself drawn him.

He watched her walk across the dance floor.

She sat down next to him and said I am you're willing and obedient servant I will do anything you ask of me.

At that moment Josef realised he could live out one of his greatest fantasies.

He told her she would agree to switch bodies and lives with him.

They left a nightclub and went to a swap centre.

Josef ordered her to pay the guy running the clinic a little bit extra two waves of the 7 day waiting period on a permanent swap.

They switched bodies that night.

He ordered her to go back to his home and forget that she ever was Taylor Schilling.

I cannot believe it actually worked.

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