Sunday 2 October 2022

Millie Bobby Brown : requested by Josef Zápotocky

6 weeks ago Josef had woken up in this body and his life and changed forever.

After a lot of soul-searching he decided to claim his own identity and see where the future took him.

He tried to continue his job as a bouncer but everybody just wanted a photograph with him what a grab his ass when he wasn't paying attention.

Out of the blue one day Millie Bobby Brown old manager came up and asked him if he wanted to continue her career.

He said yes and before he knew it he was thrown into a whole new crazy world.

His new manager signed him up for a couple of TV interviews.

After 2 hours in hair and makeup he found himself sitting on the set looking out at all the people

He set their feeling extremely nervous and out of place.

He did not know what to say or do.

There were so many things people wanted to know.

People wanted to know how he was coping now that he was Millie Bobby Brown?

People wanted to know how hard it was for him to go from being an average man to a sexy beautiful celebrity woman?

People wanted  to know how he had come to the decision to carry on her career as an actress?

People wanted to know how he was coping with his new sexuality ? 

People wanted to know if he had sex yet?


  1. Great shift puts a fat creepy man in the body from a divorced mom in Japan.

    1. thank you for getting in touch I will work on that shortly.

