Tuesday 18 October 2022

Josie did this!

Emma could not see what her boyfriend saw in these online games.

She could not understand why he wanted to spend his free hours playing them instead of going shopping and spending time with her.

She started really getting jealous of his 3D Avatar.

She started to really his 3D Avatar.

Her hatred was so much that he managed to release a psychic wave of energy with change the fabric of the universe.

She had no idea what she had done or were her boyfriend had suddenly vanished to.

All she did know before he vanished she had said if you love the game so much why do you just live there!

1-minute Michael was sat playing his favourite game white flag of the human race

He was enjoying seeing his customised 3D female Avatar.

She had big tits small waist beautiful legs plump ass and warm next to nothing.

He was just about to complete the level when he felt a strange tingling in his head.

He closes his eyes for a second.

He reached up to remove the 3D goggles from his eyes and found he could not find them.

But instead all his hands found was long hair.

He opened his eyes and saw the world he was now in more detail than ever before.

He noticed for the first time that he was very cold.

He noticed he had tits that were very heavy.

He noticed he had a vagina where is dick should be.

He noticed he had the moaning of the zombies coming from the street outside the building he was.

It did not take him long to realise that he was now his character and he was now trapped in his game.

What he did not know was that he was in fact in a pocket universe created by his wife's jealousy which had brought all the characters from his game to life so he would not be the only living person there.



  1. I was wondering if you can do a sexy Halloween theme cap for me.

    1. certainly I will do that for you RJ. may I ask did you enjoy your belated birthday request?

    2. Yes I did. I really enjoyed the whole story about it. Thank you. Sorry I thought I responded to it.
