Wednesday 19 October 2022

How did I get these?

5 minutes ago Thomas was just your average normal guy.

He was sitting on the park bench eating his sandwiches when a strange pink light enveloped him.

He felt an warm tingling running through his body.

He wondered if he was having a stroke or heart attack.

He closed his eyes.

All of a sudden he felt completely different.

He no longer felt dizzy or sick.

He felt a strange energy pulsating through his body.

He opened his eyes and discovered he had changed.

He was now a woman!

He now had large breasts!

He was wearing a pretty dress and high heels.

He could not stop himself from playing with his new breasts.

They were soft heavy and extremely sensitive.

He discovered he was wet instead of hard.

He had the uncontrollable urge to lift up the hem of his dress and finger himself.

It was just the other people that were complaining something had happened to them that stopped him.

He quickly worked out whatever had changed him had changed other people too!.

He wondered what he was going to do next?

He decided to head back to his office.

It was not as easy as he thought it would be as he now wore high heels instead of loafers.

Once back in his office he locked the door behind him stripped off what he was now wearing and admired his gorgeous body in the mirror on the back of his door.

He did not know how long he sat in his swivel chair fingering his whole but when he brought himself to climax it was already getting dark.

He clicked on his computer logged into the internet and got the latest news update.

It explained that men found themselves suddenly transformed into women & women were changed into men.

Even the clothes they were wearing were changed to match their new gender.

It advised anybody who had been transformed by this advent
to contact their local medical centre.

Thomas look down at the naked satisfied female body he now had and decided he would do it in the morning.

He flicked off his computer.

He lay himself down on his couch.

6 weeks after the event scientist had come up with a theory behind it.

According to them a rip in the fabric of the universe had caused people in our universe to swap bodies with themselves from another universe.


  1. Request story: A teen is very upset, shapeshifter is posing as his mom and keeps teasing him. Everything vegan when his parents disappeared in a accident from a vacation trip, and only his mom returned acting odd. She was acting like his old neighbor, and he saw her voice sound like him. He let the impostor pretending being his mother, so they could find the real parents but he was starting to think, the impostor was responsible for all of this.

    The "impostor" mom:

  2. Two things: first, this a great idea and is begging for its own label/series; second, did the minds of the individuals swap into the other universe and thusly they are essentially in the other version's universe and a whole new life to adjust to, or did the bodies switch and have the exact same life but simply a new body?
