Sunday 30 October 2022

Going to Pieces requested: by Shadow

When shadow got home from work he found a parcel waiting for him on his porch.

He was immediately curious as he was not expecting anything in the post.

The parcel was addressed to him by name so he took it in and opened it.

Inside was a note saying he had been randomly selected to receive a parcel of new Halloween masks.

There was four masks inside the box.

An witch.

A female vampire.

A female zombie cheerleader.

A female axe wielding maniac.

He thought this was some sort of joke as each mask and costume were meant for a woman.

He looked for a return address or contact details.

There was nothing that told him where the parcel came from.

He packed everything back into the box and just put it to one side.

As he slept that night he dreamt he had gotten up in the night.

In the morning it was clear that it was not a dream as he awoke on his bed with the costume lying on the floor next to him.

He had no problem remembering the dream as it was so vivid.

He had gone downstairs and slipped on the witches costume.

The minute he had zipped it up the put the mask over his face he had turned into a woman.

He could still remember the weight of her breasts hanging off his chest and his fingers stroking the pussy between her legs.

Freaked out by his experience he threw them out with the garbage.

But when he got home from work that day he found the box sitting on his porch again.

He left it sitting out there hoping a porch pirate would take it.

He fell into an unrestful sleep and dreamt the same thing he did the other night.

He awoke the next morning to find the vampire costume on the floor.

Just like the previous night he remembered all the sordid details and actions had gotten up to in the vampire costume.

He could still smell the sweet perfume he can still feel the weight of her breast he could still feel the wetness of her pussy.

Completely and utterly freaked out by this he gathered up the costumes and took them to the local city dump on the way to work.

But just like the other day when he got home he found the parcel sitting on the porch waiting for him.

Just like the other day he left it out on the porch.

He locked all the doors and windows and was determined to stay up all night.

Just as the clock struck twelve he felt himself getting dizzy.

He found himself walking downstairs and opening the front door.

He found himself opening the box in and taking out the cheerleader costume.

He could not stop himself from slipping on the costume and the mask which immediately transformed his body.

He felt such a rush of sexual energy has his body turned to female.

He could not stop himself playing with himself there and then in the hallway on the stairs.

He could not stop himself from ordering a pizza from the 24-hour pizza shop at the End of the Street.

He could not stop himself from dragging in the pizza boy when he delivered and giving him a blowjob as a tip.

After letting the pizza boy leave he lay on the stairs playing with himself.

It was almost 5 a.m. when he allowed himself to come.

The next morning in his bed feeling sore and exhausted.

He could still smell the wet pussy on his fingers.

He could still taste the pizza boy on his lips.

He could feel the absolute bliss of coming.

He found he was no longer terrified by the transformations that have been happening to him.

He was resigned to his fate.

He brought the box of costumes upstairs and unpack them carefully into his closet.

There was only one costume left and he did not quite understand what transformation would do to him.

He found himself once again in the middle of the night slipping on the costume and mask.

He picked up the rubber wood axe that came with the costume and discovered it was now real.

He had the uncontrollable urge to leave his home and head to the town square Halloween party for a chopping good time.


  1. Ohh I love this. Could you do a follow up for tomorrow as after my chopping good time I wake up still in as the axe maniac only I become psychotic during midnight? Like a split personality thing
