Saturday 7 May 2022

The quest has begun: requested Anonymous


RJ's board night was legendary.

As the night was a pond us. The board was set the pieces ready. 5 players had to go thou the realm and save the princess in the tower.

They choice from the deck randomly for the characters and ability.

Alan was a wood elf with its main ability, of healing and shoot force bolts.

Tom was a savage scout, which its ability was hunting and tracking.

RJ was the black knight abilities were strength and leadership.

Paul was a Ranger who's albitites that he could move silently through the forest, and his accuracy was deadly 
And could hit a target at impossible distances.

Edd was trader a scrounger a person who finds whatever can be found at the best deals.

As they went through the rules one more time, and it was time to play.

As RJ shake the dices and threw them on the board.

The moment the dyes stopped moving on the board.

A strange light appeared and enveloped them.

As the bright glow disappeared, Alan was in the middle of some forest, he saw his reflection in a stream.

He was a elf, not a male elf , but a female elf, half naked wearing the briefs of clothes, holding a wand like object in his hands,

Tom in a forest too, but was wearing leather-buck skin outfit, with a bow and arrows, and a dagger in his belt sheet and he was a girl too. Who savaged is beautiful in a plain way.

RJ was definitely a female with her breastplate and horn helmet and furry boots, she was holding a sword that it seems to heavy for her, but she handles it like it light and airy. It said that no one could hold or use the black knights sword. So it was said.

Paul was on a hill near a small hamlet, he was definitely, a female in a long dress holding a bow and arrow his hands. He was a Ranger, it said that the Rangers have secrets of why they verry good with their bows, its said they know the secret of the bow and arrow how to make they make them craft them.

Edd found himself in a small village or hamlet. He was wearing long dress his breast were pushed up, to nearly exposed them. No one could believe that a woman could be a good trader or fair trader. Never mind one of best in the realm.

As all of them were trying wrapped their minds of what happen to them. A strange glowing orb appear to all of them.

And a voice spoke to them and said that these orbs would lead them to each other.

And voice said that they must rescued the princess from the tower and bring her home safety, only then they'll be returned back to their former bodies and there home.

As each one ponders this, they knew they had no choice but to, started the quest, and followed the orbs to there friend.

Each one ponders again that if he were transformed was the other too transformed.


  1. Request story: A teen's life completely changed after the great shift. A old drugged Man, ends up in his mother body. The impostor starts to trying earning money using her body.

  2. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
    I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

