Sunday 8 May 2022

Amouranth.requested by ZCaps


Zebedee was watching his favourite stream Amouranth.

He was masturbating furiously to her bikini bikini clad body as was his custom.

As he emptied himself into a pair of knickers and stolen off the neighbours washing line he felt a strange Aensation.

For a split second he can see his own body sitting in front of his computer and the next he was kneeling in water in front of a camera drinking alcohol after the large bottle.

It was only when he looked down that he saw who he was.

For the moment he had no idea how this had happened.

He was so excited being in her beautiful horny female body that he could not stop himself from getting naked and having some fun.

Which excited everybody who was watching the Livestream and could not believe what they were seeing especially the real Amouranth who had just found herself in a teenage boys body for being a pair of cum filled knickers.


  1. A homeless man's life completely changed, after he woke up in a middle aged divorced mother, thanks to the great shift. He tries to pose as her, so they children doesn't suspect a thing.

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

