Saturday 7 May 2022

Big decision: by Anonymous

Even since that bank robbery, Cameron and his mother witness, his mother seem a bit off. Like something was wrong with her.

Cameron thought that what happen would bother, the both of them.
But there was something more than that. It was that feeling, I know it sounds silly even stupid. That my mother feels different.
Probably because what happen.
But there was several other things, some little things, other not so little.
She seen to be more friendlier, than being a mother. Each time she got to close to me, I got that feeling again, several days later.
At first her makeup was basically more basic, and now it was more slightly dramatic, to more dramatic.
Then she wore more pieces of jewelry, that more dramatic.
Then her mode of dress shifted modest to more dramatic, even she wore higher heels more dramatic styles and colors.
Its wasn't trashy, but different it's was totally different for her. Even her speech was different it wasn't what she said it was how she said it, her words were different , her tone was different, like it was her but it wasn't her at same time.
Then after about two nearly three weeks, I asked her is there something wrong, he said it was silly even wrong. I have that feeling somethings wrong with you.
Then she turned around, I thought that its was because what happen a few weeks ago.
But that didn't happen. She asked me, you remember that incident at the bank a few weeks ago.
I said yes.
Well I was one of bank robbery, and I was shot, I was seriously wounded. Well I died and I didn't died. So I decided to go to the closest body. Unfortunately your mother was much closer to me than you, I still want to you.
It me, nearly a week for me to get full of her. So I learn to be a girl, at first I want change bodies again, but these short weeks of being a girl, that I liked being her. I might decided to switch bodies to yours.
But I make a deal if you keep my secret, you be comfortable, very comfortable. Ever I decided to stay as a girl or switch with you and you will be the girl.
I'll give you about 12 hours, either way.
Then she started to peel off her sexy dress. Kick off four and half inch heels. Then she removed her strapless bra, then she sat down and slowly peel off her nylons off the legs. Then she removed her lacy underwear, then she removed the other nylon off her other leg.
Cameron did think that her mother was a bit too stuffy or to modest even when she was younger. Would he want this person, who now his mother, to stay here. Or to be her now.
Cameron probably would that he could be a better girl err women that she was.
If I decided to tell they think, I'm crazy or she might switch bodies either way, and I could spend some time in the mental ward in some private hospital, I'll probably be a new person either way. I agree to this will be more comfortable, either as myself or as being my mother. I can't stop looked at her, do I want her, yes and no.
I know that she wants me, either sexually or my body or both.


  1. Nice story, could you continue ? I mean, the bodyhopper could stay as her and keep her body.

    1. As the hours ticked away, Cameron was thinking, looking thought dozens of old photos. And found out, that Cameron was always like, I think she was born stuffing, boring and dull. A librarian would better tastes. I knew that she had a good body, but it was my mother, but not my mother at same to.
      So, to take the author, but which one, to switch with her, she'll be me, and I'll be her. Which wouldn't be so, so bad. I'll lose nearly twenty-two years. But she has a nice, as I seem her naked. Probably for first time, I think. Or she continues being my mother. Plus, I be comfortable, or say we'll comfortable.
      She said that she might want my body instead. I'll be her and she be me. But it's not that I haven't thought being a girl, once or twice maybe. But I don't know how to be a girl, a woman.
      So I agreed to this agreement, about 6 or 8 months later, we living in a nice modest home in the average size town, publicly we were mother and son. And I knew that she still wanted my body, and not for a sexual way. Then about nearly a year ago, she decided to switch bodies. SO she was now me, I was my her/she body. I just prepared in case that she wanted to my body, I encase what, I studies, took so precautions encase. So , a week later after I was in her, my mothers body now. I decided to tone it down. But I decided to dress more classes sexy, that being more party clothes. I sometime wonder what happen to my mother essences, I sometime sense, that she is still hear, maybe. I'm her, I think that she's a bit angry, that things happen, why call it fate, karma, or something else.

    2. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

