Wednesday 4 May 2022

Homeless to motherhood: requested by Anonymous


After the financial downturn Allan found himself unemployed and homeless.

He sofa surfed for a while with friends and family but after a time they got bored with him.

He found himself on the streets with no hope in his heart.

He had totally hit rock bottom.

One night out he slept in his tent under the overpass a cosmic Event occurred which changed his life forever.

He woke up the next morning and a wonderful warm bed.

He feel tired sore and aching all over.

It was only when he opened his eyes and climbed out of bed he found out what else had changed.

He was now a beautiful young woman who was clearly pregnant.

He was all emotional at first thanks to the new hormones he had.

Curiosity got the best of him and he decided to explore the body he now had.

He was surprised when he squeeze one of her beautiful large breasts to see milk dribbling out of the nipple.

He spent most of that day exploring his new female body and learning how it felt to be a pregnant woman.

He later found out that he was not the only person this has happened to.

He discovered whatever head caused this was irreversible.

He had no choice in the matter.

He was going to give birth to a baby and become a mother.

Which terrified him at first but he quickly got used to it.

The woman whose body this was claimed her identity.

She was now in the body of a young man.

She said to him that he could stay with her and help her raise the child.

Alan accepted her offer as he had nowhere else to go.

Over the next 6 1/2 months they started having feelings for each other.

Those feelings quickly turned into love and attraction.

After making love quite a few times they decided to get married and become a proper mother and father to the baby.

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