Friday 28 June 2024

I don't know why I am smiling.

17-year-old Jason's day out at the beach with his friends had turned a little bit sour when an old man shot him with what looked like a toy ray gun.

He quickly found himself transforming into a woman.

A heavenly pregnant woman wearing a bikini.

He could not believe how big his belly was.

He could feel the baby moving inside of him.

Which made him smile for some unknown reason.

He turned to look at his friend Sam and almost laughed when he saw the elderly woman wearing a bathrobe standing where he had just been.

1 comment:

  1. Lady Stardust30/06/2024, 04:55

    I'd love to see a continuation of this and see what else the old man with a ray gun turns the people at the beach into. Maybe some kids playing in the sand get turned into sexy milfs, or some people in the sea getting turned into fish, an old couple sunbathing getting turned I to young and muscular women.
