Thursday, 24 March 2022

Sibling rivalry.

Sarah was jealous of her brother Anthony. 

He was big strong and popular everything she wanted to be. 

Her jealousy was so strong that it made her hate her brother and blame him for everything that went wrong in her life. 

One day whilst thrifting with her friends she came across a strange looking book on witchcraft. 

She paid 35 cents for the book and took it home. 

When she opened it and started to read it she came to the conclusion it was more than just a book. 

She tried out a couple of the spells to see if they actually did work.

She changed her hair colour from purple to blonde back to purple.

One of the spells in the book that took her fancy was a body swaps spell. 

It told her to draw a pentagram on the floor in white chalk. 

To the pentagram she had to add an item that belongs to person she wanted to swap with along with a piece of there body. 

Two night's later now in possession of a lock of his hair and his most treasured possession his winning match football she followed the instructions and read out the incantation. 

She instantly felt strange and dizzy. 

The room started to spin and everything went black. 

Half a second later she opened her eyes and found herself lying in her brother's bed staring up at his ceiling. 

She heard a girly scream coming from her room. 

She jumped out of bed which felt weird because she did not have her breasts bouncing on her chest.

She went across the hall and found her own body lying on the floor unconscious. 

She scooped her body up in her strong arms it was now as light as a feather to her. 

She put her body into bed and cleared up the remnants of her nightly activities. 

She wrote her brother a note apologising for what she had done. 

She told him not to look for her or his body as she was going to sign up to the army. 

The next morning when her brother awoke in her bed and in her body he was panic-stricken and frightened.

He climbed out to bed and headed across the hallway to his room.

His bed was empty and his clothes were gone.

Unsettled and freaked out he got dressed in her body and headed downstairs.

He tried to get his mother and father to believe who he was but nobody believed him. 

As far as they were concerned he was his sister and and if he carried on the way he was he was going to end up in the local loony bin. 

So he had no choice but to settle down in a her week female body with it's emotions menstruation and love of boys with no idea where his sister was in his.

He found it hard at first pretending to be her.

He did not know the first thing about being a girl.

Everything was so strange complicated and annoying.

He did his best to continue with his sister studying & hanging out with her friends who were definitely people he did not want to hang out with.

Now three weeks later still in her body still no idea where she was he received a letter from her in the post.

He read her letter.

It simply said.

I have joined the army.

I will be home in 5-years.

I hope you can forgive me one day.

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