Friday, 7 March 2025

The disappearance requested by Anonymous 07.03.25

Albert was desperate; he wasn't doing well at school.

He was on the point of flunking out.

He didn't know what to do.

Up to now, he had managed to hide all the letters from the school but today his teacher phoned his to arranger meeting between her and him to discuss Alberts performance.

He had no choice but to confess to his mother about his poor grades and show her the letters the school had been sending home for the past three weeks.

Albert told his mother it wasn't his fault; he just found the classroom stifling and boring.

He told her he was more interested in learning magic and doing cantering.

His mother blamed and next on neighbour 80 year old retired magician Mr Wong who had been teaching simple magic since he was a young kid.

She forbade him from going to see him.

She told him that if he did not get his grades up by the end of the semester, she was sending him to military school where they would instil some discipline and responsibility into him.

Albert, angry and unhappy, runs out of the house and straight to Mr Wong's.

He told him what had happened.

He told him what his mother had said.

Mr Wong told Albert that he had a solution to his problem.

To get a set of his mother's clothes underwear shoes and a sample of her hair from her hairbrush.

Albert was a little bit curious and a little too bit worried by the list of items he had to get but did his best to procure everything as quick as possible and bring them to Mr Wong.

Mr Wong threw the clothing, shoes and hair brush into a steaming cauldron of bubbling liquid.

After the liquid changed colour three times from Green to bright red, Mr Wong declared the tea was ready.

Mr Wong and Albert went back to Albert's house and confronted Albert's mother.

She was not happy to see Mr one but he was apologetic and promised not to teach him any more magic until his grades improved which supplies to Albert.

Mr Wong poured out the Potter steaming tea he had just brewed in the cauldron and put two cups out offering one to Albert's mother saying it was an old Chinese tradition to settle a family  disagreement with a friendly cup of tea.

They both drink at the same time, and Albert's mother and Mr Wong disappear.

Albert, confused, stood there, mouth open, wondering what was going on.

Then, as quickly as he had disappeared, his mother reappeared.

He was shocked and surprised when his mother looked at him and said Tada.

His mother said Don't you recognize me? 

Can you not tell who I am?

It's me, Mr Wong.

I have performed my greatest trick.

I have combined my mind with your mother's body and transformed into one person.

I can now take her place at the meeting.

I can ensure that your grades will improve whilst you still learn the magical art from me.

When the time is right and everything is settled, I will reverse the magic, and your mother will reappear.

The magic will make sure that she has memories to fill in the gaps where she is missing.

She will know of all your great achievements and your educational prowess.

Almost three years after the original transformation, Mr Wong bid Albert Farewell and returned his mother.

He left a massive fortune in his will.

Albert was happy to have his mother back but unhappy to lose Mr Wong.

If only Albert had known the truth.

Mr Wong was still his mother.

That night three years ago, his mother disappeared. 

She disappeared for good.

Mr Wong had always intended to replace her and live out the rest of his life in her female body with all the sexual pleasure that came from being.

Mr Wong

The mom

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