Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Breach of contract.

Surrogate Simon lay in the hospital bed feeling absolutely dreadful as the contractions got closer together.  

He was hoping Daphne the woman who's body this was would hurry up and get here before he went into full-blown labour as that was not part of the contract she had signed and paid for. 

He had no idea that Daphne had no intention of swapping back with him until he had given birth to her baby.

16 hours after he went into labour he had given birth to a beautiful baby girl.  

Daphne finally turned up at the hospital with flowers for him as an apology for being late. 

Daphne was willing to swap back with him now that it was all over.

The midwife and doctor informed her they had to wait 48 hours after the body had gone through such a chromatic event for they to swap back. 

2 days later Daphne was looking forward to having her body back and starting her new life as a mother. 

So she was shocked and surprised when she turned up at the hospital to swap back to be informed by the swap company she had used that Simon had decided to to keep her body which was his privileged as she had broken the contract. 

Which did not sit well with her as she did not want to be a middle-aged overweight guy for the rest of her life.


  1. I have One request, Just like this story from "swap contract", a old rich man swaps with his hot neighbor's mom.

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.


  2. Surrogate Simmon was there lay in the hospital bed, yes he will to be her, to carry her child up to a certain point.
    He is not willing to give birth to the child.
    Daphne the original person understood this, she said it be several five or six months to finish what she had to do.
    So Simion checked the contract to so, did Daphne, she wanted a child so, so much. But to carry it herself she had to much to do. SO, she bear a few days of labor to have a child. It was worth it.
    AS the weeks turn to months Simion was preparing to return to his male body. Simion knew it wasn't his but he felt a joy even temperately.
    As the time got closer and closer, Daphne should have return an switch back. But things were more complete. And as he was lying there waiting to give birth. Still no Daphne.
    Then Simion gave birth to a beautiful girl. As Daphne was returning to the hospital. Unfortune she had two wait two days before they switch back.
    Simion was nowhere to be found, he left the hospital with her body, and child.
    Unfortune Daphne couldn't do a thing, since the contract was breach of contract, he has the right.
