Tuesday 2 February 2021

My 1950s Wish: requested by Anonymous.

27 year old Ryan felt like he was born into the wrong generation.
He really felt like he belonged in the 1950s.
He tried everything from birthday wishes to throwing coins into wishing well with no luck.

But one day everything changed for him.
He was an antique shop.
He was looking at mid-century modern items.
He came across a chrome-plated 1950s Aladdin style lamp lighter.
It was only $25 which to him was a good price.
When he got back home he pulled out his purchase and set about cleaning it.
As he sat at the kitchen tables rubbing away the residue of the price tag the strangest thing a happened.
The lamp started to blow smoke.
As he stared at the lamp pouring out the smoke a small figure appeared in front of him on the table.
She said she was the mistress of the lamp and for freeing her he could have a wish.

He rubbed his eyes but the figure was still there.
He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
He decided what harm could happen if he made a wish.
He said in a quavering voice.
I wish I had been born in the 1950s.
I wish I had been born in the 1950s.
I wish I had been born in the 1950s.
With one nod of her beautiful head his wish was granted.

Everything around him changed.
He now found himself outside in a familiar but more colourful neighbourhood.
When he looked around he saw children playing outside.
But the biggest shock for him was when he looked down to see himself wearing a dress!
Oh my goodness he said in a sweet feminine voice as he felt the silky white leggings wrapped around his legs.

He quickly went inside hoping nobody was about.
As he stood there a voice from behind him said so is Jennifer in bed?
He was taken aback by the tall handsome man who was standing behind him holding a martini and smoking a pipe.
Not knowing what to do he just smiled at the man that made his heart race.
He later found out after reading this woman's diary the handsome man was his husband a doctor named Phil Denver & he was now a married woman called Elaine Denver.

That night after an unsuccessful attempt at cooking dinner he climbed into bed and drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

He dreamt about the Genie who had granted his wish.
the Genie told him that she had read his mind.
She had seen that he had always wanted to be a woman a wife and a mother.
She told him that she had took it upon herself to grant him everything his heart desired.

Ryan found the first few weeks of his new life complicated and difficult.
He did not know how to be a woman.
He did not know how to be a wife.
He did not know how to be a mother.

But after a while he started to settle down into his new life.

He learnt how to cook a roast dinner.

He learnt how to take care of the house.

He learnt how to take care of his husband.

He learnt how to take care of his daughter.

For the first time in his life he felt like he was loved.
He felt like he fitted in.
He no longer felt like an outcast.

He knew he was loved back by his husband and daughter which made all the hardships of being a wife and a mother worth it.


  1. Ryan was a 27 year old guy. Was one those people born of the edge the 20th century. Which allot of young people were.
    But Ryan had this problem. He thought no believe that he didn't belong this modern 21th century. he believe that he born 70 years to late.
    He had a interest in the 1950's, to point, he has special rooms design to that era, even the shows and movies. Which were of that era.
    He made wish on this birthday. He silence wish each night. He kept in the modern world to minimal time. Other than needed.
    Then he found a odd looking lamp.
    And bought it home.
    He started rubbing it.
    And make a strange wish, he wish he were in the 1950's. He wished that could live there. He wished he born there.

    Then strange odd glowing light appear. And sudden things changed .
    It seem more colorful. More cheerful, more quiet.

    Oh my, It, it work. Why do my voice sound odd. Then he saw myself. He saw the reflection of myself. No the wasn't right. I'm a woman.
    He said to myself.
    After a moment or so. He was looking her , correct herself in the mirror.
    After a few moments he walked back in to the living room. He saw a man reading a paper and smoking a pipe.
    he looked a her err me. And was thinking something.
    Then he found who she was. She a housewife of doctor. And she name is Elaine Denver and married. And it was about 1951.
    He was in a body of a woman in the 1951.
    Thou he like the part being the 1950's. But he don't know anything about being a housewife.
    He was a mother too.
    He first a temps was fair , but not great.
    Each time he fell a sleep. Certain things slowly appear in he's mind.
    His cooking started to improve to a greater level.
    His house work started to improve to.
    Even being around his daughter like help out in things.
    His dressing was greatly better.
    She even started to think of himself as she.
    The weirdest thing she started write stories of 21th century. Thou it was somewhat popular, as considered fiction.
    She happy now. Even if they considered it fiction. She knew it was true.

  2. Just like that movie "hot chick", could you do one story similar? But instead of a high school girl swaps body with the criminal, could be a housewife divorced and the criminal.

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

