Saturday 6 February 2021

My 1950s Wish: requested by Anonymous. By Rhodry

Ryan was a 27 year old guy. Was one those people born of the edge the 20th century. Which allot of young people were.

But Ryan had this problem. He thought no believe that he didn't belong this modern 21th century. he believe that he born 70 years to late.
He had a interest in the 1950's, to point, he has special rooms design to that era, even the shows and movies. Which were of that era.
He made wish on this birthday. He silence wish each night. He kept in the modern world to minimal time. Other than needed.
Then he found a odd looking lamp.
And bought it home.
He started rubbing it.
And make a strange wish, he wish he were in the 1950's. He wished that could live there. He wished he born there.

Then strange odd glowing light appear. And sudden things changed .
It seem more colorful. More cheerful, more quiet.

Oh my, It, it work. Why do my voice sound odd. Then he saw myself. He saw the reflection of myself. No the wasn't right. I'm a woman.
He said to myself.
After a moment or so. He was looking her , correct herself in the mirror.
After a few moments he walked back in to the living room. He saw a man reading a paper and smoking a pipe.
he looked a her err me. And was thinking something.
Then he found who she was. She a housewife of doctor. And she name is Elaine Denver and married. And it was about 1951.
He was in a body of a woman in the 1951.
Thou he like the part being the 1950's. But he don't know anything about being a housewife.
He was a mother too.
He first a temps was fair , but not great.
Each time he fell a sleep. Certain things slowly appear in he's mind.
His cooking started to improve to a greater level.
His house work started to improve to.
Even being around his daughter like help out in things.
His dressing was greatly better.
She even started to think of himself as she.
The weirdest thing she started write stories of 21th century. Thou it was somewhat popular, as considered fiction.
She happy now. Even if they considered it fiction. She knew it was true.

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