Wednesday 3 February 2021

Is he really looking down my top?

Matthew now going by Michelle was not liking how hands on his boss had become since he return back to work after his full body sexual reassignment transformation.

It made him feel creeped out and weird.

He wondered if this was how all women felt around creepy men.

He wondered if this was something he would just have to get used to and put up with to live his dream of being a woman.


  1. Matthew always felt that he was never a man. That he should have be a girl.
    Once Matthew transformed himself into a girl, physically, genetically, biologically, emotionally. And mentally too.
    After several months special genetically therapy. He looked like she was natural born girl.
    Than barely a few months she was a man.
    She was a 100 percent a girl. Other than living the last twenty-some years as a guy. Having the memories of being a girl. Or the experience of being one.
    She change her name from Matthew to Marsha. After the first few weeks the surprise of me being a girl wore-off.
    I thought I would be treated like the rest of other girl.
    I was right sorta. But not.
    When some of my supervisors, but there hands on me. Touched my should or arms a bit.
    Sometimes it felt funny , strange. For her. It was like she could sense it.
    It was hard understand. Maybe because, she born a male.
    Or was it, even when she wasn't a girl.
    Before she became her true self.
    Why did they still are doing it to her.
    Maybe because they think when I pretended to a man. I still think like one.
    That's probably why in part.
    But I don't have the female experience. To truthy know what to truthy do.

  2. No way!! I'd have to do something about all that! Quick elbow to the balls might help! Have a camera set up though!!
