Friday 31 January 2020

You bastard.

Tony has been struggling with his new identity and gender.

If it wasn't for his friend Richard he would have ended it all ages ago.

Richard had looked after him helped him through hard times.

Which had led to both of them falling in love or so he thought.

So he was surprised and upset after giving himself wholeheartedly to Richard to find out as he smoked his post-coital cigarette that Richard did not really love him.

He could not believe all that talk of love and accepting him for who he was was just a pick-up line to get him in bed so Richard could win the bet of who would get in his knickers first.

What am I going to do now.

As he ran out of the building completely naked waving his gun after his own naked body which was now inhabited by the prostitute he had paid for sex but who instead had stolen his body and now his car Tyrone who had only stopped at the local cat house for a bit of fun was regretting his decision to do so.

I swear!
I will put a cap in your ass bitch!

Thursday 30 January 2020

I want you to have it

Tony was not going to let his friend Michael who was currently a horny young woman  after an accident at work left him physically and mentally changed as he offered his pussy for dinner.

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Testing it on himself.

The transformation was fast at first as it turned Albert from a man into a woman in the blink of an eye.

It took a little bit longer to turn him from a woman into a pregnant woman as the last of the serum went through his body.

Wednesday 29 January 2020

He's your daughter now.

19-year old Michael had always had the strange feeling that the life he was living was not his own

He felt he should have been born a woman.

He decorated his bedroom as girly as possible.

He grew his hair long and always wore makeup and women's clothes to his father's dismay.

It got to the point where people just took him as a girl.

Which was kind of fortuitous as after one drunken night of sex with a young man he picked up at a local alternative bar 

He ended up catching an STI doctors were calling feminised virus.

Which turn 10% of people who caught it into female versions off themselves.

Which luckily for Michael he was one of the 10%.

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It's like a dream come true.

I shouldn't be enjoying this....

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Tuesday 28 January 2020

Getting used to this life.

Michael now going by Mandy never thought he would get used to being the one chased into the chasing.

At first he felt extremely uncomfortable wearing women's clothes and going out.

But it did not take him long to discover the benefits and delayed of dressing sexy & having men buying you drinks and practically drooling over you.

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It's from the guy in the blue suit sitting in the window said the waiter.

Hurry up.

Danny had always wondered what it would be like to be a model.

He finally got his chance to find out when the great shift put him in the body of a very attractive woman.

But it did not take him long to discover being a model was not as glamorous as he thought it would be.

It was a lot of long hours strict diets & standing out in the cold in practically nothing so the photographer could get the perfect shot.

Monday 27 January 2020

It had never happened to him before Part 4 (Sunday)

Jim had a wonderful afternoon discovering what it was like to be a pregnant woman.

He did not enjoy the extra weight that came with being pregnant.

But he was really enjoying the milk filled breasts.

He was slightly taken aback by how horny this body was.

It was incredible too masturbate as a pregnant woman.

He was having such a good time that he lost track of time.

He came to his senses when he heard a car driving up the drive.

He quickly removed the clothes he was wearing and waited for the transformation to happen.

But this time it did not.

He stayed a heavily pregnant woman.

Which was something he was not expecting and did not know how to explain to his mother and father.

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He was unaware that pregnancy made it permanent.

Christina Applegate requested Part 2 by Shadow (Sunday)

It took him quite a while to fully understand what had happened to him.

He was excited and frightened by the prospect of being a woman.

He had no idea how to be one.

It was such a hard learning curve at first.

As everything was practically different to how he was brought up as a man.

There was remembering you have to sit to pee and you had to wipe front and back.

There was the difficulty of getting dressed especially with bras which now seemed to him that they were invented by a nutter.

He slowly got used to having the choice to wear skirts and dresses which meant he had to get used to sitting with his legs shut.

He got used to people staring at him in the street.

He got used to finding himself attractive and masturbating at night with all sorts of crazy toys.

He was terrified at first when he woke up with blood in his knickers.

But thanks to modern education he knew it was nothing to be frightened of.

He knew it was just natural for a female body to go through this even though it made him feel sick to deal with it.

So now almost 2 months after finding himself in her body he had come to terms with who he was going to be for the rest of his life.

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I hope our relationship can survive this. requested by Anonymous (Sunday)

Sarah and Richard decided to swap bodies with the aid of a magic spell that guaranteed them 4 weeks in each other's bodies so they could get to know each other better.

At first things were a little bit strained as they got used to living in each other's bodies & living each other's lives.

But after the first week they were settling down into it and were feeling comfortable enough to try sex.

Sarah in her boyfriend's body was extremely looking forward to trying it.

She had always wondered what it would be like to be the one doing the pounding instead of taking it.

She loved the feel of an erection.

She loved making her boyfriend in her body wet.

She loved spreading his legs and sliding it in making him moan like he had never moan before.

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Richard on the other hand was a little bit more apprehensive about doing it

He had never been somebody who like to be submissive and let somebody take control.

But he knew this was an important part of getting to know each other better.

So he allowed his girlfriend to show him a woman's pleasure

He learnt first-hand the importance of foreplay.

He learnt first-hand the importance of making a woman feel important.

He learnt first-hand what it was like to be penetrated as a woman which opened his eyes to a whole new world of pleasure.

He also learnt three weeks after swapping bodies with his girlfriend what it felt like to have a condom break on you and the importance of making sure you took your pill the next day.

They also discovered for some reason the unsafe sex prolong the swap.

Which was good for Sarah who loved being a man but not for Richard who hated being a woman.

Sarah love being a man so much that she came up with a cruel and wicked plan.

She knew semen made the swap last a month longer so she's surmised that if her boyfriend in her body got pregnant it would make the swap permanent.

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So she decided to put holes in every condom they owned & change the birth control pills for baby aspirin ensuring that she would never have to go back to being a woman.

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I was 1 week late getting my Third Period.

I thought it was just to do with the swap and the rough sex my girlfriend in my body likes.

I have always been careful to make sure she was wearing a condom and I took the morning after pill.

So I cannot understand how I can be pregnant!

Now I am her Part 4 : requested by Anonymous (Sunday)

Feeling depressed after being rejected by his friend Ryan removes the magic lamp from its hiding place.

He rubbed it until the genie appeared she asked him have you thought of your third and final wish master? 

Ryan responds yes.

Before he can say anything else the genie reminds him to make it a good wish as he would get no more after this one.

Ryan heard the advice but decided to ignore it.

He closed his eyes and spoke I wish to stay hidden from the public I no longer want to be a celebrity. 

Thinking he could get his friendship back with Harry and get the public off his back.

He felt that that's what was keeping him and Harry apart.

The genie closes her eyes not her head & Ryan is surrounded by Pink smoke once again.

He opened his eyes when the genie said your wish has been granted.

When the mist disappeared Ryan looked around and saw he was no longer in his house.

He looked down and could see he was wearing a puffy doll's dress.

He catches his reflection in a mirror & sees that his hair and makeup are that of a dolly.

Ryan was wondering what had happened to him.

He called out for the genie.

He heard her voice.

She tells him to look out of the window.

He stiffly walked over to the window.

Looking out of the window he saw the Genie towering above him.

He demands she tell him what she had done to him!

The genie responds telling Ryan she had done exactly what he had asked.

She had turned him into a living doll therefore removing him from society and the public attention.

She tells him that she has put an enchantment over the doll's house which now exists in the attic of his best friend's house.

She tells him not to worry as he will be safe in the dollhouses,

She tells him all the objects in the dollhouse would work just like they're real counterparts in the real world for him.

She tells him all the cupboards would stay fully stocked and he would want for nothing apart from a friend and a lover.

Ryan in a panic asks her why she did this to him?

The genie says that he had his last chance to make things right for both hi and Harry but chose poorly as most of her masters do.

Ryan not knowing what else to do begged the genie not to leave him like this.

He could feel the anger building inside of him as he cleaned it with the Genie.

The genie returned to her lamp saying as she vanished maybe Harry would find the lamp and release both.

Ryan staring out of the window of the doll's house which was now his prison could see the magic lamp just lying there which made him frustrated and angry that he could not get to it.

Time to get myself a toy boy. requested by Shadow (Sunday)

19 year old Robert lying in hospital slowly dying decided it was time to use his get out of death card.

He focused on the mental image of the mail nurse who had been taking care of him and shouted the words he had bought online.

He felt his consciousness leaving his body.

He felt himself slowly being pulled towards the nurse whose body he wanted.

But just as he was about to pass into him a woman got between him and him.

He found himself in the wrong body.

He was now a sexy middle-aged woman.

Who he found out had just lost her husband.

Which meant most people put her acting strange down to her bereavement.

Which gave him plenty of time to discover who he was now.

He played the perfect grieving widow at the funeral.

He was pleasantly surprised when they read the will and of course the wife got everything house money and the family business.

Which made things a lot easier for him as he was now a sexy middle age widow with plenty of money.

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Flip: requested by Josef Zápotocky (Sunday)

When the old man who gave him the coin told him it would Grant him a wish he did not believe it.

But curiosity got the best of him and he flip the coin saying as he did so I wish I was Felicity Jones.

He caught the coin which felt hot in his hand and radiated heat through his body which to his delight he found had transformed into that of Felicity Jones.

Sunday 26 January 2020

You're going to have to learn to do it yourself

Sandra who was now in the body of her next door neighbor Peter who was now in the body of a  4-year old girl hated the idea of touching this thing.

So she begged and pleaded with Alan one of her friends if he would help her out with her problem.

Alan who was now in a woman's body and had no interest in men at the moment reluctantly agreed to give her a hand every morning to get rid of it in exchange for her teaching him how to walk talk and dress like a woman.

He doesn't need to know.

Sarah had not come round tonight for this.

But no matter what they always seem to end up like this.

She deeply wanted to Andrew who she really was as she did not want to have any secrets from him.

But she was scared that if he knew that she was born a man called Arthur who ended up in a woman's body thanks to the great shift it would ruin their relationship.

She was scared that she would lose the man she had fallen in love with and hoped one day to marry and bear his children so she decided to keep her secret.

Saturday 25 January 2020

Put that out your lady!

75 year old Tony who was in the body of a fit and healthy 17 year old teenage girl was not going to give up his habit he had had for over 50 years  even if it was against the rules of the re-education school he was now stuck in.

Betting on Old Nags.

OK Michael just focus on the job at hand.

Remember you're no longer a young man who ran up massive debts at the track and failed to pay them back in time.

You're a stripper now and your job is to keep the men putting dollar bills in your knickers.

10 years of this and your debts will be paid off and if you do a bit on the side it will be quicker.

Said Michael to himself as he went out on this date for the first time as Crystal.

Friday 24 January 2020

Should he or should he not?

Sergeant Anthony newest member to the S.F.O who were experimenting with gene therapy to turn their soldiers into the best sleeper agents uncontrollably smiled and saluted his commanding officer as he walked towards him.

His commanding officer just stared at him not recognising who he was.

His commanding officer went up to him and asked to see her identity papers as he did not know there was any females in his unit.

Anthony pulled out his ID papers and handed them over before adding as his commanding officer looked over them I am one of the volunteers for the feminised programme.

His commanding officer stopped reading his paperwork and looked him up and down.

He could not believe how good a job the program had done.

If he had not been told he would have assumed that this was just a new female recruit and not one of his best soldiers.

He handed her back her paperwork and asked if she would like to join him in the officers mess for a drink tonight?

Show him the goods and give him what he wants.....

Tony who was going undercover for the FBI in a female body stood in front of his handler in the changing rooms at the local strip club surrounded by other female operative unsure how he was supposed to seduce his target and get the information of his laptop.

His handler just looked add him and said as he ripped Tony's blouse open use these puppies and see where it leads before storming out of the room  to make sure all other preparations were ready.

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Thursday 23 January 2020

What was a teenage boy in a girl's body supposed to do?

19 year old Anthony was definitely out of his depths here.

All he knew was that he needed some something to wear to the pool party this weekend and this was where his mother told him to go.

He had no idea what he was looking for.

He had no idea how the sizing worked.

There was just so many different types of items to choose from.

He was too afraid to ask one of the shop girls for help.

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Just ignore my dad.

Sam understood his dad was going through a lot of changes.

He understood it was his raging hormones that were making him behave like this.

He just wished his dad would not be so obvious about what he was after when his friends came over to play video games.

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Mum dad's doing it again!

By Anonymous...

Sam's friends come over more than they ever used to but not to play video games. They spend a lot of time in his parents' bedroom. Seems Sam's mom gets something from them that her husband no longer has to give. Sam and his dad are spending more time together too. They're not playing video games either. They go to Sam's room and close the door. Seems they're enjoying getting closer than they ever would have wanted to think about before.

Wednesday 22 January 2020

Why couldn't my sister have used pants!

17-year old Andrew  who was now in the body of a 22-year old woman got a slight shock in his knickers this morning.

He knew it was inevitable that he would have to deal with this sooner rather than later it's still frightened him when it came.

He sat on the toilet staring at the feminine hygiene product he now had to use.

He had read the instructions and he was pretty sure he knew what he had to do.

He just did not know if he could do it.

He did not know if he was ready to have inside of them.

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Checking her browser history.

Simon was so engrossed in what he was doing that he had completely forgotten for a moment that he was in a teenage girls body wearing a skirt in a library surrounded by old men and young boys who were now finding it very hard to concentrate on their studies with him sitting like that.

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There's got to be a clue in her laptop to how she did this.

Tuesday 21 January 2020

Be careful what you wish (Monday)

Alan, Stan & Ed had always wondered what women got up to when they went lingerie shopping and wish they could find out.

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Unbeknownst to them that day a passing fairy decided to grant them their wish.

The three boys felt extremely weird as the magic took hold of them and transform them into women and transported them into the changing rooms at a local underwear shop.

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Alan I look HOT!!!!!!
I wonder how my friends are getting on?

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Stan so this is what it's like for women?
 I think I could get used to this.

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Ed this is nothing like I imagined it would be.

Bloody hell these things are heavy!

How am I supposed to walk around these things hanging off my chest.

How the hell do I put this on?

No escape!

The last thing Peter remembered before waking up here he was at a party getting drunk.

He struggled against the ropes that held him as a crazy looking man injected him with some weird pink glowing liquid that burnt as it went in.

He guessed he must have passed out due to the as he awoke to find himself alone and still tied up.

He had no idea what the man had done to him but he felt completely different.

He felt smaller and weaker and definitely not like himself.

He was unaware that he had been turned into a fully functioning female or that he was going to be sold to the highest bidder as breeding stock.

Monday 20 January 2020

Now I am her Part 3 : requested by Anonymous (Sunday)

Relaxing in his private pool enjoying spring break Ryan who had become Selena Gomez had been 6 months since & head cheerleader of his high school which meant he did not hang out with his old friend Harry anymore as he was not part of the cool set.

That's not to say he did not miss them.

So he decided it was about time to get back in touch with him.

He sent him a text apologising for being so distant the past couple of months and if he wanted to hang out to come over now.

After getting a reply from Harry saying he was on his way round he hurried into the house to make himself pretty.

By the time Harry got their night had fallen.

He rang the intercom and was immediately buzzed in.

He was surprised to find when he entered the living room Ryan in a peculiar mood lying on the sofa.

Before he could say anything Ryan asked in a playful tone Harry how are you?

Harry unsure of what his friend was up to asked Ryan if he was feeling okay?

Ryan sat up at that point and looked at Harry and says I was feeling lonely and missing you before putting on the sofa and asking him to sit down next to him.

The two friends have the first conversation they have ever had.

Ryan asks Harry why had been ignoring him?

Harry responded since you found that lamp you have not been yourself physically or mentally.

Ryan looks at his friend and says I know this is all weird.

I chose Selena as I knew you had a crush on her and I thought you would love having her as your friend.

Harry looks at him and says it is just too weird to be friends with a girl he finds attractive knowing it's his best friend inside.

He tells him he just wants Ryan to be himself again.

Ryan feeling sorry for his friend asks him if he wants to have the last wish & he would like to turn himself into a girl as well.

Harry quickly gets up saying as he did so this is just too weird before heading to the front door.

Ryan rushes to the door and asks Harry to come back.

Harry looks at him & says that he doesn't want to talk to Ryan again unless he fixes this mess himself!

Then Ryan has an idea as to what his final wish will be.

He shuts his door and hurries up to his attic, ready to say his third and final wish.

Not really what they had in mind: requested by Lady Stardust (Sunday)

James, Jimmy, Bradly  & George had always wondered what women got up in sex shops and wish they could find out.

Unbeknownst to  them that day passing training fairy decided to grant them their wish.

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James was turned into a mannequin / sex doll.

Bradly was turned into whatever sexy lingerie was put on the mannequin.

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Jimmy was turned into a 4-speed rechargeable dildo.

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George found himself a passenger in the mind of a sexy middle age woman who was there to get some items to excite her husband tonight.

Which turned out to be a living hell for them as they were still able to see feel and hear everything whilst being unable to do anything about it.

"G.M.O. Lecture No. 4

Dr. J.A. Karl delivered the fourth in his series of lectures on side-effects of recombinant D.N.A. as applied to gene therapy:

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Ladies and Gentlemen, after each of my three earlier lectures on the unanticipated effects of animal D.N.A. on human test subjects, I was asked if we had ever intentionally changed the sex of a human subject using the D.N.A. of another species. 

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Well, there was the case of a single, male, working-class subject, whom I shall refer to as “Mr. J. Zed”, who approached us for gene therapy to treat his social problems. 

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Mr. Zed complained that he was largely ignored by others and suggested that we splice a gene from an alpha male wolf onto his chromosomes to solve his problems.

We took another more effective approach.

The gene-splicing we chose to administer caused Mr. Zed to shed a layer of skin as his limbs lengthened and his waist narrowed. The moult revealed softer, smoother skin than he had had before.

Mr. Zed was being feminized.

Without saying a word, she stood up tall and walked out of the lab.

As she left the building, women from all over the university campus (students, staff, and faculty) swarmed around her, grooming and tending to her with their fingers and mouths.

Once out of the Science Building, she went to a green area on campus and stopped while women led by female faculty and students from the Architecture Department built a huge home for her and all in her service.

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Others of her retinue enhanced her femininity and her fertility by feeding her a jelly-like substance that they were now able to express from their breasts."

"The women in the resulting colony kept busy feeding her their jelly, tending to her and, once she was fully fertile, added ushering studs to her to their duties.

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As a result, she produces many offspring which her workers help to nurse. 

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The colony is a hive of constant activity.

J. Zed now goes by the name “Melissa” and, while she doesn’t need to talk to get what she wants, one doesn’t need to observe her for very long to see that she is constantly satisfied with her new social life and all the benefits it brings.

In addition to communicating through pheromones, Queen Melissa and the members of her retinue communicate through dance - waggling, jerking, vibrating.

I hear some of you murmuring that you have figured out what we did there.

Yes, we introduced to Mr. Zed’s chromosomes genes from a queen of Apis mellifera, the European honey bee.

The genes not only enabled the socially inept Mr. Zed to metamorphose into Melissa but also to produce pheromones that regulate the behaviour of others around her. Melissa has nothing like the problems of J. Zed who had nothing like the pleasures of this queen bee."