Monday 20 January 2020

It had never happened to him before Part 3 (Sunday)

Curious to try out other things he took a bold step and went to his local Goodwill and bought several items of female clothing.

The first outfit he put on was what he thought was female workout clothing.

So he was surprised to find himself transformed into a heavily pregnant woman.

He could not believe how weird it felt to be pregnant.

He stood in front of his bathroom mirror with his hands on his belly surprised by how wonderful he felt in his current situation.

He could not believe the thoughts and feelings going through his mind over this.

One part of him wanted him to stay like this forever and the other part wanted him to rip the clothes off and go back to being himself.

Image result for pregnant woman


  1. Ohh pls continue :D i wonder does he give birth or is just a residual pregnancy just giving him the look of a pregnant woman?

  2. Please continue this series with them staying in pregnant body maybe now that they are pregnant they can no longer change and the abillity has passed on to the original owner of the pregnant body

    1. thanks!
      im really hoping u continue the series and maybe do this twist
