Saturday 25 January 2020

Betting on Old Nags.

OK Michael just focus on the job at hand.

Remember you're no longer a young man who ran up massive debts at the track and failed to pay them back in time.

You're a stripper now and your job is to keep the men putting dollar bills in your knickers.

10 years of this and your debts will be paid off and if you do a bit on the side it will be quicker.

Said Michael to himself as he went out on this date for the first time as Crystal.


  1. Would u mind to make the following caption?

    Charlie war regularly hiking with is friend Elise but they usually go much more than just hiking.

    Unfortunately, Charlie got caught by his gf, Laura, which is a witch and a revenge she turned his penis in a vagina.

    Needless to say, Charlie found hard to be a man with a vagina. He needed to stuff his underwear, hide his period and the fact that he could not pee standing.

    Asking for forgiveness, he sadly discovered that there was no know reverse spell but a compromise solution was possibile: to transform him in a full woman and not just his genitals. He needed no time to understand that it was the less worse solution and he accepted the deal.

    Soon after his transformation in Charlotte, a perfect female version of himself, he went back hiking, and not only that, with Elise

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

