Monday 20 January 2020

Now I am her Part 3 : requested by Anonymous (Sunday)

Relaxing in his private pool enjoying spring break Ryan who had become Selena Gomez had been 6 months since & head cheerleader of his high school which meant he did not hang out with his old friend Harry anymore as he was not part of the cool set.

That's not to say he did not miss them.

So he decided it was about time to get back in touch with him.

He sent him a text apologising for being so distant the past couple of months and if he wanted to hang out to come over now.

After getting a reply from Harry saying he was on his way round he hurried into the house to make himself pretty.

By the time Harry got their night had fallen.

He rang the intercom and was immediately buzzed in.

He was surprised to find when he entered the living room Ryan in a peculiar mood lying on the sofa.

Before he could say anything Ryan asked in a playful tone Harry how are you?

Harry unsure of what his friend was up to asked Ryan if he was feeling okay?

Ryan sat up at that point and looked at Harry and says I was feeling lonely and missing you before putting on the sofa and asking him to sit down next to him.

The two friends have the first conversation they have ever had.

Ryan asks Harry why had been ignoring him?

Harry responded since you found that lamp you have not been yourself physically or mentally.

Ryan looks at his friend and says I know this is all weird.

I chose Selena as I knew you had a crush on her and I thought you would love having her as your friend.

Harry looks at him and says it is just too weird to be friends with a girl he finds attractive knowing it's his best friend inside.

He tells him he just wants Ryan to be himself again.

Ryan feeling sorry for his friend asks him if he wants to have the last wish & he would like to turn himself into a girl as well.

Harry quickly gets up saying as he did so this is just too weird before heading to the front door.

Ryan rushes to the door and asks Harry to come back.

Harry looks at him & says that he doesn't want to talk to Ryan again unless he fixes this mess himself!

Then Ryan has an idea as to what his final wish will be.

He shuts his door and hurries up to his attic, ready to say his third and final wish.


  1. Looking forward to more parts!!! ; )


  2. Really enjoyed this part, now for this next part Ryan has gone up to the attic and rubbed the lamp where the genie appeared again, she asked have you thought of your third and final wish master? Ryan responds yes but before he can say anything else the genie talks back and says to make it a good wish as you will get no more after this one.

    Ryan heard the advice but didn't change what his wish would be and wished to stay hidden from the public, that way Ryan figured he could get his friendship back with Harry and get the public off his back as while he did enjoy the attention at first Ryan now wants to just focus on Harry.

    The genie moves her hands and swirls of mist envelope Ryan for the last time, when the mist disappeared Ryan looked around and saw he was no longer in his house, he looks down and can see he is now wearing a puffy dolls dress, with makeup covering his face and his hair now tied up in pigtails with little bows hanging, Ryan was wondering what happened and calls for the genie, he hears her voice and she says to look out the window where he can see that the genie is huge, Ryan asked what happened to him and why is he now wearing a dolls dress.

    The genie responds that Ryan has been shrunken down into the dollhouse where he won't be seen by the public for many years, Ryan in a panic asked why she did this, and the genie says that Ryan had his last chance to make things right for both him and Harry but chose poorly as most of her masters do, she then says not to worry to Ryan as he will be safe in the dollhouse, with all the objects in the dollhouse coming to life Ryan can now use the oven, the fireplace and all the other objects like he was living inside a real house.

    Ryan begged the genie not to leave him like this and started to get angry but it was too late as the genie returned into her lamp which Ryan could see outside the dollhouse windows, Ryan was mad and desperately tried to get his dress off but it was magically stuck to him, with no idea if anyone will ever come up to his attic to save him.

  3. Here are the gifs for this part, thank you:
