Friday 31 May 2019

That's good Sophie...

No matter what she did to me I was determined to fight it.

I was determined to keep my identity.

I was determined not to let her win.

But with every passing day it was getting harder and harder to remember my name.

I was becoming slowly more like the living doll she wanted.

I could no longer resist her dressing me up and doing my hair and makeup.

I could no longer resist her commands to do things.

I was her puppet and when she said dance I danced.

But despite everything she had done to me I never forgot that I was a man not a woman.

My name is Frank not Sophie.

I am 42 years old not 17.

I am a private investigator who can prove she murdered her husband for his life insurance not a play thing for dirty old men.

I will find a way to undo what she had done to me and get out of this living nightmare one day as long as I stay strong and not give Into her overpowering will..

It's so hard...

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16-year-old Simon now in the body of a 22 year old woman turned heads wherever he went especially when wearing his school uniform.

He quickly discovered the power he had over men.

He quickly discovered he could get them to practically do anything for him.

He quickly discovered you did not have to work hard to get better grades at school if you were willing to show a little bit of flesh every now and then.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Now I know what the woman see in you........

Tony used to be a 10 stone weakling who got no respect from his colleagues at work & never got a second look from the ladies.

So he was loving his new found power over men and women which ment he always got what he wanted when he wanted it and tonight he wanted to relax with a nice glass of wine and his colleague Matthew who had been drooling over his new body since he returned to work between his legs nibbling on his Pink taco.

I would do me...

Standing in front of the mirror checking everything was perfect for his date tonight Scot was amazed by how good he looked.

He still could not believe it had only been 8 months since the great shift had given him this body.

8 months since his life was turned upside down and he had to learn to be a woman.

8 months of a lot of learning and adjustment getting used to a new gender and way of life.

8 months of getting used to knickers, bras, dresses, pantyhose, high heels, handbags, make-up, hair, feminine grooming, menstruating and getting turned on by men.

He still could not believe it had only been 7 months since the first time he masturbated as a woman or 6 months since the first time he had sex with a man which had opened his eyes to a whole new world of pleasure which he was still exploring now to his delight.

He was brought back to the present as the doorbell rang indicating his boyfriends arrival.

He picked up his purse and made sure that he had keys cell phone condoms and birth control pills before blowing his reflection a kiss before heading out for a night of wild fun with his current boyfriend.

Wednesday 29 May 2019

She's all I need..

I was not sure that I was ready for this.

I never thought I would want to keep it.

I never thought I would enjoy any part of it.

But now lying in my hospital bed after 5 hours in labor nursing my baby I now I could never imagine giving her up.

She was now the most precious thing to me.

She made the last 7 1/2 months of pain and discomfort worth it.

She stopped me from seeing the grey shift as a bad thing.

She made me see it as a wonderful thing as it had brought her into my life and made my life means something.

The alcohol made us do it

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75 year old Scott 85 year old Frank and 62 year old Matthew celebrated another month as young women with a few drinks at there local bar.

All three of them would have rather still been men but they were grateful to be young healthy and fit even though it was a women who could not hold their alcohol.

Which was why or so they told themselves why they made complete fools of themselves and allowed themselves to be picked up once again by a couple of young studs who gave them a good night between the sheets.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Don't make me beg for it...

Come on James.

I know you've dreamt of getting between Stephanie's legs ever since you met her at college.

James looked at Stephanie's body sitting on the bed with legs wide open unbelievably tempted by what he could see and said but I know its you in their Alan.

Alan in Stephanie's body just said what does that matter James?

I look like Stephanie!
I talk like Stephanie!
I dress like Stephanie!
I tast like Stephanie!
I am a horny as Stephanie!
I am your only opportunity to ever get to fuck her.

So stop worrying about your best mate being in your fantasy girls body and just come over here and fuck me before I change my mind & shut my legs!

Alan stood there trying to hide the growing bulge in his trousers that gave away he was definitely turned on by him/her.

He was not sure what to do.

So he just let his dick take over & jumped into bed with him/her for a night he would never forget.

Mother knows best.

17 year old Tony who was now in the body of a 16 year old girl wasn't sure that this was suitable for the pool.

So he stood in the tiny bikini in front of the full length mirror in his hotel room.

He took a selfie and added the caption do I look alright in this before sending it to his mum.

His mother who was now in the body of a 22 year old man looked at the picture and was confused by her new emotions.

Her mothering side thought the Bikini was very inappropriate but her temporary male body thought it was a right turn on.

She texted her son back saying if you feel comfortable in it wear it and I will see you down at the pool in 20 minutes.

Before going off to the bathroom to get rid of something that had just popped up thanks to him before she could leave her room.

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Monday 27 May 2019

Trickster Part 14 the end: Requested by Lady Stardust.

15 year old William quickly settle down into his new body and personality.

He no longer minded being a teenage girl.

He still did not like every aspect of being a woman.

But he felt sex and masturbation made up for it.

17-year-old Karl was not so happy with his transformation even though it allowed him to get with the man he loved.

He just did not like being a horny old woman and found it hard to settle down into his new life especially after his parents had him put into an old folks home after he tripped and broke his hip leaving some guys apartment.

Robert on the other hand embraced his new body and life.

He quit school and got himself a job.

A job that pays plenty of money for doing what he liked.

Sucking cock and having sex as one of the hottest new porn-stars on the internet.

Robert did mind being somebody else especially a copy of one of his teachers.

But despite being a couple of years older and a different gender.

He was surprised to see how fit his teachers body really was.

Which led him to getting a job at the local gym as one of the newest hottest instructors out there who did not mind staying behind giving you one-on-one training.

George who had lost control of himself when he first found himself transformed into a woman was finding it difficult to live with his new gender and ethnicity and the constant horniness of his new body that demanded at least one guy a day which made him very popular around the local bars which were his hunting ground for men who were happy to pay him for his services.

Matthew Peter and William were tring to get back to some sort of normality after their transformation and sexual experimentation which came in the wake of it.

But they had done too much and explore too much with themselves and others.

So now all they could think about was feeling that sexual buzz they felt the first time they did it again and before they knew they have London putting cranes in the porn industry to the horror of the three girls they were clones of.

16-year-old Patrick who was now an exact copy of 40 year old Miss Williams missed being a young man.

That's not to say he did not like being a middle age woman or that he had not had a lot of fun being a middle aged woman with young men who were in two milf.

He just wished he had not lost so much time in his transformation and was now as old as his own mother.

Daniel and Matthew who were both turned into two middle-age female pron actresses found after their transformation that they absolutely loves sex.

So when the two porn actresses they were copies of approached them with a job offer they could not refuse they found themselves having sex with the original women onset in front of a load of cameras in a new series twins do it dirty which did not please there parents when they found out what they were doing.

16-year-old William who was transformed into a horny teenage girl found nothing he did not like about his new life body or gender.

He loves being a teenage girl.

He loves wearing skimpy outfits.

He loves horny teenage boys who were only after one thing.

He decided he would join the cheerleading squad to the annoyance of some of the other girls who knew he was doing it for one reason.

So he could cheer the boys on from the sidelines and help them relax after the match in his own special way.

19-year-old Jeremy the schools former star quarterback found it hard to adapt.

He missed being a muscular teenage boy.

He did not like being a big breasted woman.

He did not like the way his body reacted around teenage boys/men.

But he had to admit to himself after that first initial hormonal rush that caused him to screw the first person who came into the locker room he had done his best to deny his body's desires but he knew it was only a matter of time before he found himself needing another man.

17-year-old Paul who was before becoming a young woman was a straight A student suddenly found himself at the bottom of the class unable to concentrate due to the fact of his large breasts in front of his eyes.

Not wanting to disappoint his parents he decided to do what a lot of young girls did before him seduce the teacher and get him to give you better grades for favers.

Which he saw as a win-win situation as he loved having sex and he loved having straight A's.

17-year-old Karl who was on the track team and who was very proud of his well toned and muscular body was turned into a beautiful young girl who was completely uncomfortable if she was not stripping off her clothes which led him down the path to becoming just another young girl stripping in a gentlemen's club.

17-year-old Philips who did not noticed his transformation until it was over was still getting used to living as a woman with massive breasts which were not as great as he thought they would be.

They were unwieldy.
They always got in the way. 
They weighed a ton.

But they were very good for motorboating and tit fucking which were now two of his favourite things to do.

Twitch Gamer: Requested by Anonymous.

Avid gamer Shawn was brought up to believe men were better than women that women were only good for two things cooking and having babies.

He was watching one of his favourite gamers on Twitch who suggested they should check out his girlfriend's gaming stream.

Shawn not believing a woman could play a computer game as good as a man he switched over just to see how bad she was doing and was annoyed to see how well she was doing.

He decided to troll her in chat and tell her what he thought and let her know what he thought women should be doing which was the biggest mistake of his life.

As it turned out she was a witch.

Who hated sexist people like him.

So she decided to turn him into a young woman and force him to strip live on Twitch and to thank everybody for their nasty comments about it.

He hated it but he could do nothing about it as he no longer had full control over his body let alone his mind.

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Yvonne Strahovski: requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef had never considered being somebody else.

He was happy the way he was.

But when the great shift hit the Earth and caused him to swap bodies with somebody else he knew it was a million to one chance that he would end up in a body that he would be happy in for the rest of his life but that's what had happened to him as he ended up in the body of Yvonne Strahovski which he considered a definite improvement.

Snapchat what have you done to me? Requested by Anonymous.

Tony like a lot of people was just messing around on his phone playing on Snapchat and using the filters unaware that his phone was corrupted.

So when he clicked on the filter that turns you to female it turned him female in real life.

Which came as a bit of a shock to him and everybody around him and despite his best efforts he could not get the Snapchat filter to undo what it had done to him.

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Turning Russian: Palina

When Rachel returned home from work and found a beautiful young woman freaking out and screaming at her in a foreign language she had no idea that it was her boyfriend Dominik.

Dominik try to get her to understand him.

But every time he tried to say his name it came out as Ekatarina.

He could not understand why he could not understand his girlfriend and why she could not understand him.

He had no idea that he was speaking in Russian and that he no longer new English.

Rebecca frightened and not sure what to do for this woman whose name was Ekatarina.

She thought this crazy woman was just some one her boyfriend was seeing on the side.

She manhandled the screaming shouting woman out of her apartment and called the police.

Dominik knowing the police would not believe him if they could understand him ran away when he heard the sirens.

He had nothing but the clothes he was wearing and even though he was in a town he knew it felt strange and alien to him.

Luckily or unluckily depending on how you look at it as he bedded down for the third night in a bus shelter an old man stopped and said hello to him.

He tried to reply to the old man and explained that he could not speak English.

Luckily for him the old man understood every word he was saying and offered him a room and a warm meal.

Which was just the start of his new life as the old man offered him a job as a private escort and even though it was not something he wanted to do a girl had to eat and pay her bills so he had no choice but to accept.

Когда Рейчел вернулась домой с работы и обнаружила, что красивая молодая женщина сходит с ума и кричит на нее на иностранном языке, она понятия не имела, что это ее парень Доминик.

Доминик пытается заставить ее понять его.

Но каждый раз, когда он пытался произнести свое имя, оно звучало как Екатерина.

он не мог понять, почему он не может понять свою девушку и почему она не может понять его.

он понятия не имел, что говорит по-русски и что это уже не новый английский.

Ребекка испугалась и не знала, что делать с женщиной по имени Екатерина.

Она думала, что эта сумасшедшая женщина была просто кем-то, с кем ее парень встречался на стороне.

она вывела кричащую женщину из квартиры и вызвала полицию.

Доминик знал, что полиция не поверит ему, если поймет, что он убежал, когда услышал сирены.

у него не было ничего, кроме одежды, и, хотя он был в городе, он знал, что чувствует себя странно и чуждо ему.

к счастью или к несчастью, в зависимости от того, как вы на это смотрите, когда он ложился спать на третью ночь в автобусной остановке, старик остановился и поздоровался с ним.

он попытался ответить старику и объяснил, что не говорит по-английски.

к счастью для него, старик понял каждое Его Слово и предложил ему комнату и теплую еду.

это было только начало его новой жизни, когда старик предложил ему работу в качестве частного эскорта, и хотя это было не то, что он хотел сделать, девушка должна была есть и оплачивать ее счета, поэтому у него не было выбора, кроме как принять.

Sunday 26 May 2019

Apparently women take better care of themselves.

600 Pound Robert who had never exercised a day in his life was surprised to find himself standing in a park in a woman's body wearing workout clothes with the uncontrollable desire to eat healthily and stay fit.

He had no idea that he was now in a cloned bodies & that this was the governments way to reduce the medical bill and make people healthier.

Friday 24 May 2019

Open up and take it like a good girl.

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Jack who was still getting used to life as a woman hated hated oral sex from a female perspective.

That's not to say he did not like somebody going down on him he just did not like having to returning the favor.

But he knew men loved a good blowjob.

So he would do it anyway.

He just wished they would remember to pull out before they came in the back of his throat making him swallow. 

Loving it rough.

I was never into having sex outside.

I was never into getting dominated.

I was just your average everyday normal teenage boy.

Until the great shift put me into a horny woman's body.

Which introduced me to a myriad of sexual sensual delights.

Which made me seek out greater thrills to feel that buzz I felt the first time I did it as a woman with a man again and again.

Liking it more than he thought he would.

Robert out of work, penniless and in the body of a woman thanks to the cosmic event known as the great shift was not quite ready for this.

But he could not pay his rent so he had no choice but to see if his landlord would take it in kind.

Which of course he did so Robert found himself on all fours like a dog having unprotected anal sex with his landlord.

It wasn't as bad or as painful as he thought it would be.

He just hoped by next month's rent day he had managed to get a job and have some money in his bank account as he did not want to have to pay his rent this way again.

Discovering new things.

When Aiko's friends asked Tony who was on a Student exchange trip to Japan & was in Aiko's body he knew they had accepted him for who he was and not what they thought he was (A horny American teenage boy in their friends body).

They wanted to show him how fun it could be to be a teenage girl.

They helped him pick out an outfit & a bikini to wear for the trip to the beach.

They really wanted to give him the full teenage girl friendship experience.

Which they did as Tony was really enjoying himself.

As this was the first time since he swapped bodies with her that he had had any real fun being a Japanese girl.

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Harder than it looks....

When Sarah got home after another night shift as a coat check girl at a local gentlemen's club she was pissed off with her boyfriend Tony who had done absolutely nothing around the house while she had been out at work.

She said to him I wish you could walk a mile in my shoes to?

She did not expect what happened to happen to him.

She did not expect him to turn into a beautiful young woman.

Tony knew the only way that he would turn back into a man was to walk a mile in his wife shoes.

He just did not expect how difficult it would be as he stopped again unable to go any further as his feet were aching thanks to the high heels he was wearing.

Why am I doing this to them?

Robert lent against the wall after another quickie with a client in the open air.

He waited until his heart stopped racing and his legs stopped feeling like jelly before pulling out a wet wipe from his handbag and cleaning himself down.

Before straightening up his clothes and going back on the hunt for another man to infect with the same virus which had turned him into a woman 3 months ago after he had picked up a prostitute like he was now and his life had changed forever.

Hi boys??????

Jason definitely turned heads at the local beach when he turned up.

He did not care that all the young women were talking about how easy and lucy he was as he was not doing it for them he was doing it for the boys.

Because thanks to his new gender and mental changes he had become a right little nymphomaniac who would do anything to get a man or two to take him home and screw his bimbo brains out.

Having fun at work.

Lifeguard Tony had become a right exhibitionist since swapping bodies in the great shift with a beautiful lingerie model.

He would never pass up a single opportunity to show off his gorgeous body to anybody willing to look.

Even if that upset everybody else around him who were just trying to have a nice family day out at the pool.

Aging up Part 4 The End: Requested by Lady Stardust.

Poor Darrens love of cock left him in a terrible situation.
Not only was he now reaching 100 years old he was pregnant and unable to remember who the baby's father was.
He was now the oldest mother in Britain.
He knew there was no way going back now.
So he settled down into his new life as an old woman and a mum who was just as cock crazy as before.

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Tuesday 21 May 2019

I am doing it for our marriage...

Thomas could not understand how this would help solve their marriage problems.

He could not believe he had spent nearly $15,000 for him and his wife to go through this therapy.

He felt completely out of place in his wife's body.

He felt ridiculous in the outfit she had laid out for him.

He felt uncomfortable joining his wife who was now in his body in the bedroom for a bit of fun.

He was terrified at the prospect of having sex as a woman.

But he had promised his wife he would not complain and try and enjoy it.

So he snapped a picture of himself in his wife's body in the sexy lingerie she had laid out and sent it to her with the caption I think I'm ready?

His wife who was waiting in bed for him looked at the selfie and reply to the message this pictures got me hard but I want the real thing.

Which was his queue to enter the bedroom and take up his wifes role in bed.

Who wants to buy me a drink?

To look at The Woman Standing Outside the nightclub having a cheeky cigarette and showing the boys her pussy you would never have imagined that she used to be until 4 months ago a straight A student named Anthony.

Who had never smoked a day in his life before.

Quite frankly every body's saw him as the biggest nerd in town who was still a virgin at the age of 19.

But that all changed after ending up in the body of a woman.

He hit the bottle hard to cope with all the changes he was going through.

Which led him to losing his virginity quickly after becoming a woman to a man he met in a bar.

He discovered after sex a good cigarette was something he needed to calm his body down after the act of screwing.

Which led him down the path to becoming one of the biggest sluts in town who was happy to shaggy anybody.

Monday 20 May 2019

Two sides to everything.

Rachel felt strange in Matthews body.

She felt strange being a teenage boy.

She could not believe how strong and powerful she felt.

She could not believe how different she saw the world especially girls.

She could not believe how quickly a teenage boy got turned on.

She could not believe how incredible it was waking up with morning wood or how wonderful it felt masturbating as a boy.

Matthew felt strange in Rachels body.

He felt weak soft and vulnerable.

He could not believe how small and delicate he felt without his masculine muscles.

He could not believe how different he saw the world especially teenage boys.

He could not believe how strange it was getting turned on as a girl.

As instead of the usual rush of blood and a hard-on he felt warm, tingley and extremely wet between his legs.

He could not believe how incredible it was waking up with a dripping wet pussy between his legs begging for his attention or how incredible it felt just to stroke it gently which sent the most incredible shockwaves through his body that made his toes curl  with pleasure.

Remember your place.

Robert had no idea how he had ended up here.

He had no idea why he had been sent back in time.

He had no idea why he was now a young woman.

He did his best to stay calm & stay focused.

He did his best not to panic and go off the rails.

He did his best to settle into his new existence.

Even though it was a lot of hard work for little reward.

He did his best to mind his Manners and stay in his place.

He had to constantly remind himself he was no longer a man in the 21st century.

He was now a simple peasant girl living in the 1700s who was expected to cook clean and do whatever else she was told to do without question by this body's biological father.

Even if that meant marrying somebody he did not love, he did not care about, he did not want to have children with and did not want to spend the rest of his life with.

Sunday 19 May 2019

Ace's birthday: Requested by Anonymous.

Ace was out with his mates celebrating his 21st birthday in style at one of the swankiest nightclubs in town.

Slightly drunk after one to many shots he noticed a busty blonde eyeing him up across the dance floor.

Egged on by his friends he went across and asked her for a dance.

He was surprised when the blond smiled at him and they boogied away.

He was even more surprised when the busty blonde leant over kissed him on the lips and whispered in his ear why don't I make this a birthday you'll never forget.

He let the beautiful woman lead him out of the nightclub & into a waiting taxi.

Halfway back to her place he felt the strangest sensation come over him.

He felt like he was no longer himself.

He felt long hair tickling the back of his neck.

He felt a heavy weight on his chest which bounced with every movement of the taxi.

He felt a warm wet spot between his legs where his hard-on should have been.

Slightly disturbed by what he was feeling he stared at the young woman sitting next to him who now looked exactly like him.

He let himself be led out of the taxi and into an apartment by himself.

He allowed himself to be undressed.

He allowed the man who was not him but look like him to suck his excited nipples that sent shock waves of extreme pleasure through his body.

He allowed himself to be pushed onto a mattress waiting for them in the middle of the room.

He allowed the man that was not him to penetrate the pussy he now had between his legs.

He allowed the man who was not him to ride him all night until he fell asleep in a puddle of their juices exhausted.

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He awoke the next morning sticky hot and wet still in the woman's body with no sign of his own body.

Settling down: Requested by Anonymous.

Shawn awoke one morning to find himself somehow in the body of a young Japanese woman who was clearly pregnant.

After a lot of freaking out and panicking which upset the woman's husband who had called for a doctor to see what was wrong with his wife 

Who was saying she was in the wrong body and that she was not a woman and she was not pregnant that she was a 21 year old boy called Shawn.

After 2 months of therapy and being locked up in a mental institute Shawn had come to the conclusion that it probably would be better if he dropped the whole I am really a man thing and accepted I am a pregnant woman just to get out of there.

The woman's husband took such good care of him whilst he was recuperating (Getting used to being a pregnant woman and getting used to being Japanese) that he somehow fell in love with him and fell in love with the baby inside his belly.

So now almost 4 months since waking up as this person he had settled so much into it that being a man seemed like it was the dream.

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Melissa Benoist: requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef had no idea what was going on.

He had no idea why he was a woman.

He had no idea why he was suddenly standing in a field in front of cameras in a nice summer dress in a body that fitted it perfectly.

He had no idea that his neighbour next door was inventing a machine that would allow you to watch your dreams.

But something had gone wrong last night and somehow it had projected his mind into the person he was dreaming about and he was now until he could find out how to undo it he was stuck as Melissa Benoist which was not a bad place to be stuck.

Sophie Turner: requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef stood in front of paparazzi feeling smug.

He knew northern could tell that he was not the real s Sophie Turner.

Who was now unhappily locked up behind bars in his body at the Meadow View mental hospital after he stole her body and she went on a rampage trying to make people believe what had happened to her.

I am definitely going to have fun with them!

17-year-old Robert could not wait to get home strip off his clothes and get a good look at his body swap class teachers body who he had just swapped with thanks to their being an uneven number of students in his class.

He was not disappointed with what he was seeing when he finally got home and got down to stripping off all her clothes to get a better look at what he now had to play with for the next couple of weeks.

God that's cold!

Scott on holiday at Exchange Islandwas in a woman's body.

He was wishing he had fastened his bikini bottoms on a little bit tighter as a massive wave had just washed them right off leaving him standing there flashing everybody on the beach his gorgeous temporary female body's beautiful vagina which was getting quite a few wolf whistles from some of the boys watching him.

Saturday 18 May 2019

I want him!

Matthew felt wrong doing this.

He was trying to seduce his sister's boyfriend.

But he was so goddamn hot and his new female body was so attracted to it he had no choice.

He was unaware that his sister had already arranged a surprise for him.

A threesome with her and her boyfriend.

Friday 17 May 2019

Hot and steamy and just for you.

FBI undercover agent Thomas accepted the assignment even though it meant transforming himself into a beautiful young woman and becoming a maid to get close to his target.

He did his best to stay professional.

He did his best to gather evidence.

He did his best not to give in to his new bodies desires.

But after spending a year as a celibate woman.

He found he could not resist anymore.

So he went out to Ann Summers and bought a skimpy maid's outfit and surprised the man he had been living with, working for and spying on for the last year with a home cooked meal and his own pussy for dessert.

Which was definitely not part of his assignment.

Waiting for his date.

45 year old financial banker Robert did not like being a young teenage woman.
But he was really trying to fit in with his new body.
He made sure to wear nothing masculine.
He tried to only dress age appropriate for his new body and gender.
Which meant a lot of short skirts cute panties and knee-high socks.
He made sure he never left a house without doing his hair and makeup.
He always wanted to look his best for the boys who were now an important part of his life.
As his new female body had a very active sex drive and a taste for men.
Which he was slowly learning to love especially between the sheets.

Thursday 16 May 2019

You don't want to treat me like that.

Dennis still new to being a woman new the music business was a sleazy place especially if you were a woman.

But he did not expect his music producer to treat him like some little skank who should be showing him gratitude by sucking his cock forgetting him a gig just because he was now a woman and not the man he used to be.

So he decided to show his music producer how much of a weak and frail woman he was by kicking his ass through the wall.

It's simply brilliant.

16-year-old Tony was fascinated by his new female equipment especially his vagina.

He would spend hours up in his room playing with it to his parents annoyance.

As they could not believe that he was masturbating more now as a woman than he did as a teenage boy and who was concerned that soon he would not be satisfied with just his fingers and would want to explore other avenues of pleasure.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

What to do next?

Tony could not believe what he was seeing.

He could not believe somehow he was a woman.

A very attractive woman from what he could tell.

He struggled out of the tight fitting dress she was wearing.

He wriggled out of the woman's knickers and struggled to release her breasts from the bra.

But finally he was naked.

He could finally get a good look at what he had to work with.

He grabbed her full breasts in both hands.

He was taken aback by the weight and the sensitivity of them.

He stood there holding the best breasts he had ever seen in his life.

He stood there feeling extremely turned on and was surprised to feel a dampness & tingling between his legs which made him remember he now had a vagina.

A vagina that was begging for attention.

A vagina he was only too happy to play with.