Friday 31 May 2019

That's good Sophie...

No matter what she did to me I was determined to fight it.

I was determined to keep my identity.

I was determined not to let her win.

But with every passing day it was getting harder and harder to remember my name.

I was becoming slowly more like the living doll she wanted.

I could no longer resist her dressing me up and doing my hair and makeup.

I could no longer resist her commands to do things.

I was her puppet and when she said dance I danced.

But despite everything she had done to me I never forgot that I was a man not a woman.

My name is Frank not Sophie.

I am 42 years old not 17.

I am a private investigator who can prove she murdered her husband for his life insurance not a play thing for dirty old men.

I will find a way to undo what she had done to me and get out of this living nightmare one day as long as I stay strong and not give Into her overpowering will..

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