Thursday 30 May 2019

I would do me...

Standing in front of the mirror checking everything was perfect for his date tonight Scot was amazed by how good he looked.

He still could not believe it had only been 8 months since the great shift had given him this body.

8 months since his life was turned upside down and he had to learn to be a woman.

8 months of a lot of learning and adjustment getting used to a new gender and way of life.

8 months of getting used to knickers, bras, dresses, pantyhose, high heels, handbags, make-up, hair, feminine grooming, menstruating and getting turned on by men.

He still could not believe it had only been 7 months since the first time he masturbated as a woman or 6 months since the first time he had sex with a man which had opened his eyes to a whole new world of pleasure which he was still exploring now to his delight.

He was brought back to the present as the doorbell rang indicating his boyfriends arrival.

He picked up his purse and made sure that he had keys cell phone condoms and birth control pills before blowing his reflection a kiss before heading out for a night of wild fun with his current boyfriend.

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