Monday 20 May 2019

Remember your place.

Robert had no idea how he had ended up here.

He had no idea why he had been sent back in time.

He had no idea why he was now a young woman.

He did his best to stay calm & stay focused.

He did his best not to panic and go off the rails.

He did his best to settle into his new existence.

Even though it was a lot of hard work for little reward.

He did his best to mind his Manners and stay in his place.

He had to constantly remind himself he was no longer a man in the 21st century.

He was now a simple peasant girl living in the 1700s who was expected to cook clean and do whatever else she was told to do without question by this body's biological father.

Even if that meant marrying somebody he did not love, he did not care about, he did not want to have children with and did not want to spend the rest of his life with.

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