Sunday 17 March 2019

No More Morning Glory Requested by Anonymous.

Could not find a suitable image for this story but still wrote it anyway.

Danny was your average normal 18 year old teenage boy.

He like playing video games and sports with his friends and chatting up girls at the local mall.

But that all changed one morning when he woke up feeling dreadful after a night of drinking and smoking pot with his friends.

He climbed out of bed on shaky legs and made his way to the bathroom were after being Blinded by the overhead light He splashed his face with cold water before standing over the toilet to piss.

But instead of an arc of warm piss hitting the toilet bowl he felt it trickling down his legs instead.

He looked down in dismay and discovered he was wearing a pair of girls panties which was soaked through with his piss.

He quickly got out of them and regretted it immediately as he discovered he now had a vagina.

Panic-stricken & frightened and thinking he was still high from the cannabis he jumped into the shower and hosed his legs down.

He climbed out of the shower and wrapped a towel around himself not wanting to see if his dick was still not there.

He sat on the edge of his bed frightened to look for what seemed like an eternity to him.

But he had no choice but to look when his mum knocked on the door telling him it was time for breakfast.

He removed the towel and saw that he still had a vagina between his smooth female legs.

He put on a pair of his boxer shorts which were now tight around the waist thanks to his big hips and empty between his legs.

After struggling to get into a pair of jeans for about 10-minutes he slipped on a pair of his sweat pants which fitted his new female lower half better and three pairs of socks to make his trainers fit.

Nervously he made his way down to breakfast hoping nobody would notice anything different about him.


  1. Can you make a Role Exchanger cap about a farmer who swapped genders with his wife and age with the 17 year old neighbor boy and what he didn’t know yet was he got the pregnancy of his daughter who was having sex with the neighbor boy.

    Can you use this image?

    1. thank you for taking the time to comment.
      I have added it to the list and I will work on it shortly.


  2. Could you make one with a pic of a group of women either in a shower or getting dressed with the caption being about how one of them is actually a guy called Jim. Should also say about how much he is enjoying the view, how much he is also enjoying having breasts and a vagina of his own and that maybe having a dick isn't all that.
    This will probably be a long caption!! Thanks!
