Wednesday 20 March 2019

Is it make out time yet? Requested by Anonymous.

Robert was sick and tired of his two bone idol sons.

Who refused to do anything around the house and spent all their time in their bedroom smoking pot and masturbating.

Out of sheer frustration he decided to go online looking for help with his situation.

He came across a website which promise to transform his son's from lazy assholes too obedient and helpful members of the household.

He entered his PayPal details and received an email which told him all he had to do was say you're my perfect little maids to his sons and they would immediately become perfect and helpful.

What he did not know was that the spell would also turn them into two horny women who loves nothing more than cooking cleaning and doing laundry and satisfying there master.

Which did not sit well with him but when he came to turn them back he discovered he had lost the spell and could not find the website again.

Related image

So he was left with two teenage sons now young women who wanted to make out with him.


  1. Could you make a caption about a guy who gets his lower half changed into the one of a girl and tries to hide it and adapt to it, and he even likes it a bit, but someone catches him putting socks into his boxers to imitate a penis he once had (or someone sees him with a cameltoe), but he still manages to keep it a secret. A little bit of a struggle with peeing would be nice as well as mentioning how awesome it feels to have a smooth crotch pressing against the material of clothing.

    1. thank you for taking the time to comment.
      I have added it to the list and I will work on it shortly.


  2. Thanks a lot, I liked it
