Monday 24 August 2015

The Talisman happy Families Part 10

The next morning I sat on the edge of the bed horror fight with myself at what I had done.

It was natural for this body to be turned on by a man but my brain was telling me I used to be a man how can I enjoy this.

I thought my feelings and just focused on the memories of last night's pleasure.

That's when I did the one thing I never thought I would do on top of all the other things I had done that I never thought I would do.

When he woke up I could see he was ready for round 2 but this time I just place my lips around his member and gave him a good morning blowjob.

It was the first time for me but not for my body it went on to autopilot and I was just a passenger once more.

I was expecting the taste of his semen to make me sick but when he blew his top I just swallowed every drop and lick my lips for more.

I wipe my mouth and lay on my back and said it's your turn to go down on me.

After about an hour of mad passionate love making we got out of bed trying to keep our  hands off each other for the rest of the day.

It might have been easier if we took separate showers.

I dressed in some sexy lingerie I bought the other day.

We are now going to jump forward 6 years in the story line

At this point in time.

Chantelle and Luke are still together.

Chantelle is still a florist and Luke is still an architect.

Frank and Susan are still together.

But Frank now is working for Fox News.

I am still friends with Rebecca from the gym but not in a sexual way.

It was Christmas 2019 and we'd all been invited to our folks.

I made a point of speaking to my mother and father once a month by phone but I haven't seen them in 5 years.

last time I seen my parents I was still a man.

Its Thanksgiving & now I am nearly 30 years old and bringing my boyfriend home for the first time.

My brother was just as nervous to bring his girlfriend home.

As we have both not seen our parents since we swap genders.

It was over a 10 hour drive from Chicago to Kansas so we all went in one car.

There were hugs & kisses from our parents and I really felt at home in this house even though there was quite a few changes.

Our parents said  Luke  and my boyfriend would have to sleep in the den because our cousin is coming down for Christmas & she would be sleeping in his room & me and Susan would be sleeping in my room.

When I showed Susan my bedroom I was so embarrassed by all the pink.

But she said she had the same shade when she was a little girl.

I said you're not nervous about spending the night with me in the same room.

No not really.

She said I know you slept with women but that doesn't bother me.

But sometimes I get a bit cuddly in bed and I don't want you to think I'm coming on to you.

She said your brothers just the same he's the only one I know that can cuddle in bed and it does not have to lead to sex which is usually the only thing on a man's mind.

I thought to myself if she only knew that her boyfriend used to be a girl.

We both freshened up and got dressed before going downstairs.

The oddest thing happened with my boyfriend and my brother they had the same idea a couple months ago and have been secretly planning this evening.

Frank told our parents about wanting to propose to Susan & Luke ask my father for my hand in marriage which made him happy.

That night Luke propose to me and my brother proposed to Susan we both said yes and we said we would have a double wedding in the spring.

I went to bed that night feeling giddy with a new ring on my finger.

Me and Susan set up most of the night talking about wedding plans I cannot believe how girly I felt.

We barely slept that night with all the excitement of the day.

After breakfast all four of us went out for a walk and when we got back it was time to open our Christmas presents.

I handed my fiance the present I had brought him it was a new watch.

He handed me the one he bought for me and it was a beautiful set a diamond earrings and a necklace as a man I was not into trinkets but as a woman these sparkly bits of stone make my heart flutter.

I went into the kitchen to help my mother prepare dinner & we left the men watching a game of football.

Susan came in and asked if there was anything she could do.

We all stood in the kitchen peeling spuds preparing the turkey and gossiping about the day's events my mother was so happy that she got the best present in the world a new daughter in law & a new son in law and the prospect of grandchildren which all parents hope for.

About 2 o'clock it was time to sit down and have a family Christmas dinner.

My brother's fiance had bought him a PlayStation console so after dinner we all sat down to play it.

I got a bit too competitive with it as I had not been on a games console in years and I forgot how much I enjoyed them.

Now we are going to skip forward to the wedding.

It has been five months since the proposals and in that time me Susan and my mother have planned a simple wedding.

The funniest day was the day we went out to pick out wedding dresses.

Never in my life did I think I would be the one wearing the dress saying I do and kissing the man.

So much stress involved in planning the event as I wanted everything to be perfect and we had our hen night to plan too.

We went off to Atlantic City for a weekend of gambling.

The last time I went gambling I was on a stag do I was watching a female stripper.

Now I am a woman on a hen night throwing money at male strippers & just two weeks after that I am sleeping in a hotel waiting for my wedding day to begin.

I was dreading the next day.

The day started off with female grooming.

I was not really want for female pampering but I had to have my hair and makeup done then getting into a tight fitting wedding dress with uncomfortable shoes sometimes I miss being able to just wear a suit but I do look gorgeous in this.

It was time to get the wedding started.

This picture was taken by my father of me and my sister in law on our wedding day.

The ceremony.

My first dance with my new husband.

My brother's first dance with his new wife.

Now it was time to go our separate ways and off on to our own honeymoons.

My brother and his wife were going off to Honolulu she was always a sun worshipper.

For me I was going off to Venice with my new husband.

For the most part of our honeymoon we spent in our suite at the hotel.

The week flew by so fast it was unbelievable and I think I only got dressed twice in the whole time.

A week after we got back to the States I made an appointment to see my doctor as I was feeling sick and dizzy every morning.

My breasts were sore and swollen I had taken a home test and it said I was pregnant.

I know what my body was telling me but I wanted it to be confirmed before I told my husband.

I told my husband that night. 

I was nervous that he would be unhappy with me as we never discussed starting a family.

I told him feeling nervous but when a great big smile appeared on his face I knew everything was alright.

The next day I phone my brother to let him know what had happened.

He was so overwhelmed with happiness for me & said I had come a long way in 6 years

He said he would never of had a chance of starting a family if he had stayed a woman.

But now I have a beautiful wife who one day would bear my children.

8 months goes by so fast when you're dealing with so many doctors appointments birthing classes and not to mention all the physical hormonal changes.

I was wobbling around the florists like a penguin & having to pee every 15 minutes was annoying and the cravings were weird but the pregnancy sex was mind blowing even though it was like playing twister in bed.

My waters broke whilst my husband was out of town.

I started to panic I tried to reach him on his phone but it was engaged so I phone Susan she was my backup plan she was there in 5 minutes and took me to the hospital.

She managed to get through to my husband who was on his way. 

They were just about to we'll me into the delivery room when he turned up he told me to remember my breathing and do exactly what the midwife says.

The gas and air help quite a lot & the birth only took 6 hours when I was fully dilated I pushed as the midwife told me to & there was not much screaming or moaning as I had seen on TV or what I expected.

Once the head was clear the rest followed easily my husband cut the umbilical cord.

Once I held the baby in my arms I knew I would love it forever the midwife said to me are you bottle feeding or breast feeding I said like every good mother I am breast feeding.

The next day my brother turned up carrying some flowers and a stuffed toy for the baby he asked me how the birth went I told him.
He asked me if I would go through it again?

I said yes me and my husband disgusted and we're having two and that's when my life started as a wife and mother & I have never been happier in my life apart from the nappy changing, the early morning feeds & my breasts being always so sore & having to get my figure back was not my idea of bliss but it all came with the job.

The End
I hope you've enjoyed the adventure.

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