Sunday, 2 March 2025

A vacation can change your requested by Anomalous 02.03.25

Mandy is going through a terrible divorce.

She needed to get away and relax for a few days.

She booked her and her son Paul on a three-day cruise around the islands.

The first day on the boat was uneventful.

They got used to their cabins and found their way around the vessel.

The second day on the boat was more adventurous as they stopped off at one of the local Islands.

Paul went on a snorkelling trip with some of the other guests whilst his mother went to explore the island.

They met up that evening on board the ship.

Paul straightaway could tell there was something not quite right about his mother.

She seemed to be more fascinated by her body than usual.

She seemed to be more interested in their breasts than usual.

It would really make him sure that this was not his mother when he went to her cabin the next morning to collect her and found her watching a video on quantum theory and understanding it.

He was pretty sure this woman who looked like his mother was not his mother.

But how could he prove it?

Just because she was actually strange and enjoying her body did not mean it was not her mother.

If he had only known the island they had visited was not a usual stop off for their cruise.

If only he knew the island was really a secret laboratory where rich dying scientists and millionaires had their bodies swapped with younger trapped to have strangers things might have made more sense to him, but he did not.

He just fought the stress of the divorce was getting to her, and that's why she was actually so strange.

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