Monday 24 August 2015

Red light auctions.

Here at red light auctions we offer a solution to all those women out there who have cheating husbands or boyfriends.

Just phone 555 4747 & one of our highly trained operators will deal with your problem quickly and easily.

Tonight's auction takes place in Amsterdam.

If you are looking for a maid or just a sex slave we have something in stock for you.

All transformed men are 100% female and can be a surrogate mother if your wife does not want to lose her figure or just be a wet nurse with a little training.

In tonight's auction we have 4 specimens.

Lot number 1 is Marcus a business financial analyst who has been married for 3 years and has three children but as been cheating on his wife with his secretary for the past two years.

Lot number 2 is Richard a serial bigamist he thought by marrying 2 different women in 2 different counties he would get away with it but when one of his wife's found women's underwear in the back seat of his car that was not hers.

She hired a private detective who discovered the truth so she turn to us for help and here he is now.

Lot number 3 is a special one his name was Michael he was a wife beater.

When she saw our advertisement she gave us a call and now he's the one all frightened and scared.

Last but not least lot number four A PHD graduate from Harvard name of William he paid the local sheriff off on 2 date rape charges.

But his father's money could not stop his third victim from turning too us.

All items must be paid for within 1 hour of the end of the auction.

A full set of documents is provided for every purchase and a free electric stun collar to keep your purchases in line.

Happy bidding.

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