Sunday 16 June 2024

She's more like my Old Mother Part 2 requested by Anonymous 16.06.24

Part 1



It wasn't long before Kenny found out what his mother was doing online.

The other lads at school were only too happy to show him the videos.

He was sickened and embarrassed by it.

He could not believe he was doing this to her reputation.

He matched to whom after school that day and was going to have it out with him.

Unfortunately, he walked in on him during one of his filming sets.

He felt his stomach churn when he saw his mother spread-legged with a dildo inside of her pussy.

He Demanded his mother stop what she was doing.

He told her with tears in his eyes she would ruin his life.

His mother just laughed at him and said haven't you worked it out yet stupid?

This is not your mother anymore.

The Medallion you gave her gave me the ability to get inside her mother and now I am in here I am never leaving

1 comment:

  1. What If, a alternative version from this story, could you accept ? The perv who was inside her body, Just wants to have fun with his New body, so to not grow suspicious. He pretends being her, and Just enjoy her body for himself. Not selling nudes in internet.
