Sunday 16 June 2024

I do hate my mother-in-law requested by Anonymous 16.06.24

Emma hated her mother-in-law Vicky.

She thought she was not good enough for her son.

She fought he had married beneath himself.

She was always trying to break them up and make their life and misery.

Just the other day during a family barbecue she belittled everything about her.

Especially not producing any grandbabies for her yet.

There was no good explaining to her that she was focusing on her career.

There was no point explaining that she was only 25 and had there was plenty of time to become a mum.

Things that got him so bad that she had lost it with her mother-in-law and gave her some home troops.

Of course, her husband was not happy with the way she was speaking to his mother.

She told him to stop being a mummy's boy.

She stormed out angrily and spent the night in a hotel.

The next morning she worked to find a strange and unfamiliar world he was now inside her mother-in-law's body lying next to her father-in-law whose cock was pushing against her large elderly buttocks.

Stopping herself from screaming in fright when she saw her reflection in the mirror she dialled her phone number.

It was answered within a couple of rings.

She whispered on the phone what had happened.

She was anointed angry to find out that it was caused by her mother-in-law.

She told her that she would give her body and life back once she had divorced her from her son ruined her career and made sure nobody would ever want to employ her again.

Emma pleaded with her not to do it.

She pleaded that if she gave her body back now she would do everything she wanted.

Vicky just said enjoy being me for the next three weeks.

The next time you're back in your body you'll be looking for a new job and a new husband.

Sadly that was not quite as easy as a mother-in-law thought it was going to be.

She quickly discovered how much Emma loved her son.

She quickly found how attractive they were to each other.

She found herself within the first few hours of being in Emma's body sleeping with her son.

The spell became permanent if either one of them got pregnant.

Which of course is what happened.

Now Emma's trapped as her mother-in-law in a loveless marriage with a man she cannot stand.

Vicky is trapped as her daughter-in-law and pregnant with her own grandchild and fucking  her son every night.

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