Saturday 1 June 2024

I think I might be trapped.

Jonathan was staying in a small town in rural France when the great shift hit.

He swapped bodies with Genevieve the beautiful young woman who ran the local café.

Finding himself suddenly in her female body he panicked and freaked out.

He did not know what to do or where to go.

He was relieved when his body entered the café and asked who he was.

He said in his new sweet female voice Jonathan Karl Lyon.

American tourists staying at the Hotel Vista. 

The person inside his body but how a style relief.

Jonathan feeling nervous and in his soft female body said in a soft female voice who are you?

It turned out Genevieve had landed inside his body.

An emergency text message was sent to everybody's phone advising everybody to stay indoors and wait for further information.

Jonathan wanted to go back to his hotel room but Genevieve insisted he stay with her.

She wanted to keep an eye on him inside her body and ensure he did nothing to define it.

Over the next three days, Jonathan lived a nightmare his life.

It's Genevieve but not even let him go to the toilet by himself.

She insisted on watching him all the time.

After five days in her body, he was starting to smell.

She told him she was going to bathe him.

She made him strip off his clothes.

She made him climb into the bath.

She scrubbed him clean paying special attention to his tits and his vagina we've got extremely turned on with her big strong masculine hand rubbing vigorously down.

Jonathan said to her pleading a little bit braver and more in control:  Are you going to stand there and watch me?

It has been almost 6 days since the swap happened.

The news report says that it is permanent.

When are you going to accept the fact that your body is now mine?

When are you going to let me go and claim my identity?

You cannot keep me here forever against my will.

Jennifer just looked at him and said I am now the big strong man.

You are now the weak woman.

I am not ready to give up my body quite yet.

If you try and escape or turn anybody who you are I will have to punish you.

From now on as far as everybody is concerned your Genevieve and I am your American boyfriend.

You will cook clean and run the café and keep me company in bed.

Jonathan knew how strong and big he was.

Jonathan knew he was not much for her.

Jennifer knew he had to play along onto the time was right for him to make his escape.

He got out of the bath and let her towel him down.

He could see the ball inside her trousers aching to be freed.

She told him to go and get dressed and then make him some lunch.

Jonathan obeyed not sure what else to do.


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