Friday 14 June 2024

I cannot believe how normal this has all become.

One minute I was a college student working on my final exams and the next I was a pregnant woman sitting in an apartment feeling disease in sick.

It was extremely strange and uncomfortable being a pregnant woman.

Everything about her body was sore and painful.

Moving was difficult.

I waddled like a penguin around her apartment looking for any clue as to where I was and who I was there was a national alert on her mobile phone.

It told everybody to stay in us stay safe and await further instructions.

I switched on the TV and got the national emergency broadcast signal.

Then there was a breaking news report explaining that hundreds of people had swapped bodies to be each other.

I don't know why that made me a little bit calm.

Maybe because I was not the only one in this situation.

By now I was feeling extremely hungry and first raided her kitchen cabinets.

For some reason, tuna and peanut butter on bread was what I was craving.

I know it sounds disgusting but it was delicious.

I spent the next four and a half days living in her apartment eating her food sleeping in her bed and taking care of her body and baby.

Not to mention having a little bit of fun between her legs.

There was an emergency Centre set up at the end of the road and I went down and registered who I was and what had happened to me.

I went back to her apartment and waited.

Two days later I was transported back to my own home.

My friends threw me a baby shower a couple of weeks later and made me feel comfortable and like I belonged in this body.

I had a lot of learning to take in.

Not just on how to be a woman but how to be a pregnant woman.

I had to learn all about childbirth and what was going to happen when my water broke.

I had to learn about nappy changing breastfeeding and taking care of a baby.

It sounded terrifying up first.

I did not know if I was ready for this.

But seeing the person whose body I was in had not been found yet  I could only guess that she would want me to keep the baby and look after she came along.

Six months of pregnancy was horrible.

But it was nothing compared to having contractions.

I know women's day childbirth is painful and uncomfortable.

But let me tell you it is a lot worse than they ever that on to be.

After 16 hours of labour, I gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

I was tired I was saw and I was not a pain.

But I could not rest.

I had to have skin-to-skin contact with the baby and give it its first feed.

Lying in the hospital bed with it onto my heavy sore and swollen breath with the greatest pleasure I have ever experienced.

If I held it down to my breast I knew I would never give this baby up.

I was now his mother and I loved it.

My whole life was now devoted to being his mother.


  1. Great shift puts old neighbor into his neoghbor's mim body.

  2. *neighbor's mom
