Saturday 15 June 2024

Guest Publication Alternative Story By Anonymous,

Where, where Am I, Who, who Am I, as my senses became more, and more clearer. That was standing there in a dress and heels, why do I have long brownish hair with blonde highlights, I smelled like flowered, why do I smell like flowers. Then I saw several people staring at me, why, are they looking at me. I wanted to scream out loud, but I held it inside me, all I knew was that I was on my computer watching an episode of Sex in the City. So I decided to find a bench or something to sit down and figure things out. When it happened, someone who knew me as I am now, but I didn't know this person. So I have to fake it, this is going to be a long, long day. The question is can I go back, or should I go back. That Is the question.

Wet and Ready.

Thomas, Richard and Martin never really respected women at all, As they grew into teenagers hood they weren't any better than when they were kids barely five or six years ago. Now there were barely 15 or 16 it was even worse. They thought they could get away with it because they were still kids. But an idea, a plan was created to teach them a lesson or three. That Thomas, Richard and Martin would spend the next four years as girls, not to dresses as not exactly, to be girls physically and biologically for that time, so it was done, they lost their manhood, and their penises, and they were smaller, lighter more feminine, they are given basic female knowledge and comforts, plus they still remember they who were and are as part of the punishment. It was barely a week That Tomas, Richard and Martin, new feminine hormones were fully flowing in their feminine bodies. They were wearing bikinis, bikinis mine you. Where they invited a couple of their friends to see them in their bikinis. When they arrived all three of them untied their tops, to expose, their feminine breasts and a few minutes later they pulled down their bikini bottoms and stepped out of them. It seems that those few minutes lasted like hours or days. Thomas, Richard and Martin walk to them they touch and act like actual girls, well they are girls, but without 16 or 17 plus years of feminine experience. But they knew what they wanted they wanted to experience being girls, It was like they planned it all along but why would they want to do this. Then what to do I saw three nudes that were willing for sex, carnal sex. So, what happens next that is the question.

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