Tuesday 28 May 2024

Let's just do it.

The doctors still don't know why half the Earth's male population suddenly transformed into female versions of themselves 7 years ago.

27-year-old Carl was just one of those men who found themselves Transformed.

He was just one of those men who had to go through weeks of therapy learning to live as a woman.

Six months after being released back into the world Carl asked his best friend Robert somebody he trusted to make love to him as he did not want his first time to be very strange.

Even though he had agreed to this he had butterflies.

Even though he was looking forward to this he could not help feeling nervous and frightened.

He covered his breasts with his arms and flushed red when Robert walked out of the bathroom completely naked.

Robert said to him are you sure you want to do this?

We can just sit down and have a beer and watch the footy if you like.

Carl just looked at him and said no.

I'm horny and I'm hormonal.

I need some sexual relief.

I am a woman and I need a cock.

So you get into bed mister and I will be with you in two seconds and then you can show me how you made all those women scream with pleasure.

Robert looked at him wishing he had not embellished his sexual conquest so much at the bar those years ago.



  1. An old friend, replaced his single mom, boy taking her form.

    1. Not exactly what I want but I am still happy requested by Anonymous 07.07.24

  2. Part 2 revolves around his dad , who also transforms into milf and get into sexual relationship with Roberts boyfriend, now they are triplet
