Monday 27 May 2024

What was that coin requested by Anonymous


Jason was living out of a cardboard suitcase.

Wandering from town to town looking for work.

However, with the downturn in the economy, there were not many jobs for unskilled labourers.

At one house he managed to get a couple of days of work tending the guerdons.

The owner was Mrs Robinson a snobbish woman.

She thought she was better than everybody and was very obnoxious to anybody she thought was beneath her.

Whilst digging in the garden he found a strange-looking coin.

He picked it up and wiped off the mud with his handkerchief.

It felt warm and strange in his hands.

A strange voice inside his head urged him to wish to possess Mrs Robinson.

No sooner had the thought entered his mind but he found himself inside her body.

It felt so strange being inside a woman's body.

He found it hard to control his male curiosity.

All he wanted to do was strip her naked and stand in front of a mirror.

Just as he was about to do so the strange voice entered his head again.

It told him when it needed him it would call and he would have to pay the price for his wish.

He had no idea what that meant and quite frankly he did not care.

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