Wednesday 29 May 2024

It was worth losing what I lost to gain what I've gained

Jason stopped instead at the candy bars remembering the taste and texture of every single one of them.

He was tempted to have one but then he remembered a moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips and he had put a lot of working getting his body ready for bikini season.

He stood back and forth but in those days when he was an overweight man who was on the brink of losing both his legs to diabetes the doctors offered him an experimental procedure.

The procedure would change the way he saw food.

The procedure would make it so that his first consideration whenever thinking of a sweet treat was how it would make him fat and undesirable to the opposite sex.

He happily signed the paperwork and the greed to go through the experimental procedure.

It worked.

 after three days in an induced coma, he awoke feeling incredible.

 The doctor informed me that the procedure was an absolute success.

They handed in a mirror and he was shot and surprised when he is already female-faced looking back at him.

Now he was a beautiful slender woman.

Doctors explain women were the most self-conscious and the most self-heating creatures on this planet.

After several weeks of training and therapy, he was ready to hit the streets as Sandra.

Now all he could think about was keeping his figure perfect.

He now exercises four times a week as well as aerobics and swimming.

He never left the house without a pretty dress on his head and his makeup is perfect.

He now had a string of boyfriends who wanted to take him out and why and dine him.

He picked up a copy of Hello magazine instead and continued walking to meet some of his new bubbly girlfriends and the local café for a coffee.

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