Wednesday 15 November 2023

Escape into the past

Daniel a man sentenced to death for a crime he had not committed  stared at the face that was now his in the mirror.

He was still amazed at the black magic spell he had been given worked.

He was now free and innocent.

The spell had sent him back in time and put him into a body which was not quite to his liking.

He was now living in New York 1982 and working as a porn actress  and exotic dancer.

He said to himself in a voice that was husky and feminine things could have been a lot worse.

He looked at his reflection and admired his gorgeous female body like he had done everyday for the past 6 weeks.

It had curves in all the right places and quite nice rack.

A voice in the background brought him back to reality.

He took one last look at himself making sure his makeup was perfect before turning around and walking towards the film set with a swing in his hips.

He was still surprised how quickly he had come to like being fucked.

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