Tuesday 31 October 2023

What are you two doing? requested by bbb

William and Thomas were serving hard time.

They have knocked off a jewellery store and had not told the police where the loot was.

Thinking they would be old men by the time they got out and unable to spend it they got in touch with somebody who could help.

He was a voodoo witch doctor and gave them  possession spells it wouldn't allow them to take over somebody else's body for half their loot.

They originally intended on doing it on two of the guards.

But something went wrong and they found themselves miles away from the prison in a pretty little town in the body of two women dressed up for Halloween.

William found himself in the older after two bodies.

Thomas discovered after a little bit of rummaging around the house but they were mother and daughter.

They were just getting freaky in the kitchen when two teenage boys walked in.

The two new teenage boys could not believe what their mother and sister were doing.

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