Tuesday 31 October 2023

It's me Tommy requested by Shadow

Like every year Tommy had left it to last minute to find his Halloween costume.

All the major shops were sold out so he went down to the local flea market.

He brought a suitcase of old Halloween costumes hoping he could make one out of the pieces.

Mostly items in there were female clothing.

One of the costumes was an Elvira.

He thought that might be worth some only online.

There were this he touched the costume the strangest thing happened to him.

It was like the costume had come to life.

Before he knew it he was squeezed into it.

Here's body reshaped herself to fit the curves of the dress and to fill out the bosom.

His hair grew long and his face covered itself in makeup.

Here's legs became slender and delicate to his feet became small.

Stuck in the himself around his bare legs and little black high heels appeared on his feet.

He let out a strange gasp  horror within stopped under he saw himself.

Something in the back of his brain said to him why not goes to party like this.

Before he knew it he was at the party and everybody thought his costume was the best.