Tuesday 31 October 2023

Where is she requested by RJ.

RJ and his wife are a couple of swingers.

They had been invited to a very strange and interesting party.

The both got dressed up in their sexy costumes and headed out.

They had a good time at the party the orgy did not start on to midnight.

On the stroke of Midnight they found themselves what in bodies with  the other members.

RJ ended up in the body of a 20 something year old woman who was wearing it as or cheerleaders outfit and nothing else.

Emily has wife found herself in the body king man wearing nothing but little shorts.

After a little bit of  finding their feet they found each of.

After taking the time to examine each other's new temporary bodies.

They got down to the full of the orgy.

RJ could not believe how great it felt to have a drill-powered dildo shot inside of him on four hammer mode.

He could not believe what a sexual animal he was as a woman.

There was not a cock he would not fuck or soak.

He could not remember the amount of cock or pussy he had that night.

All he knew the next morning he woke up still in a female body feeling extremely  sexually happy but a little bit sorry around the nipples and the crotch.

He discovered everybody else had swapped back but in him.

It turned out the lady who had what bodies with him had left the orgy.

Until they could track her down  he was still white this.


  1. Do check emails and revert back to it please, i know you're only taking Halloween request but at least you can reply to the mails

    1. checking my emails I cannot see your request can you please give me details of the name you sent it under.

  2. Thank you for getting in touch I will check my emails and get back to you today
