Thursday 17 August 2023

Three little stories in one.

 We agreed to take it in turns being mother.

25-year old Anthony who had swapped bodies with his wife so she could take a break from breastfeeding, nappy changing and simply just being a mother was turning heads as he pump gas that morning.

 Some men find baby bumps attractive!

45 year old business executive Daniel was surprised and slightly annoyed with the body he got  on arrival at Exchange Island.

He was hoping for a fit young woman who he can have plenty of fun in.

He wasn't sure how much fun being heavily a pregnant woman was going to be.

  I have the urge to ride a tomb!

James wished he had picked a different costume for the cross-dressing party now that he had been turned into his costumes character like everybody else at the party after somebody pissed off an actual witch.


  1. You really make the best caps! Love your work man. Really think you could bring this caption idea to life w your artistic abilities: if you don’t mind writing it here’s a prompt I’ve been thinking of lately: Let’s suppose a couple movie into a new neighborhood and the husband makes friends with the other husbands. He discovers they secretly meet every Friday and one of the husbands possesses their wife and strips for the other guys. The new husband who just moved in refuses to do this for them. So they possess his wife and bring her over and make him watch
