Friday 7 July 2023

I cannot get enough of that salty goodness.

The first time Dennis did it it almost made him sick.

He swore to himself he would never do it again.

But it was not long before he had that strange craving once again.

It wasn't long before he was putting on a short skirt crop top high heel boots heading off to the local bar to  score once again.

  I just love the taste of semen.


  1. The first this happen to Dennis , he was shocked and surprised that he could turn himself into a actually, Not look like one physically, but biologically one too, At first he looked like a tomboy in his boyish clothes, that lone is odd, but not strange. He/she followed a bar that was a bit causally, he/she wanted just a drink or three or more. To forgot what happen to him/her. After the second or third drink, there was this guy. Who thought that he/she was cute in a tomboyish way. Bought him/her a few more drinks. After a hour or three its hard to remember. In his/her state. He/she accidentally when to the men's restroom. His/her guy wanted to see if he/she was alright. Then he wanted some repayment. Of some kind, what you want me in my underwear or something.
    No, I BJ's or two will do, he wasn't sure that he wanted to do it. But there was something stirring inside of him/her. That he/she wanted to do it. He did it, he did it, like a expert. Like he/she done it before. It felt weird and strange too. He/she almost felt sick in a good way. When it was over he/she when to sleep. He/she was dream of things. THINGS that wasn't normal that Dennis did the same thing but in a skirt, heels, hose, a top. All pretty up. All this time. He/she enjoyed it immensely.
    When he/she woke that morning, Dennis was himself again a guy. a male. But the second about 6o'clock again Dennis was a girl again then for some reason. He/she wanted to get dresses, skirts, blouse and heels, never mind the makeup and some jeweler. He/she started to dress up more girly but still casual. Dennis did the same again, and then again third night. The same, the forth and fifth night it was the same, he was himself all the time, but what happen would be over, but on the night of the new moon. Dennis was out as a girl again. He/she was at it again, give him a BJ or three. And the same the next two night after that. Dennis did this each full moon and new moon. Then is was the third or forth month, then was a Blue Moon which come each two or three years. This time it was different than put on a dress or skirt or heels. This time he/she naked did he/she gave him a BJ's or two well yes, but he squirted or spewed. On Dennis face and breasts,
    But there was another reason for this, if Dennis can't resist that urge. To have more than BJs or kissing. All this time, he/she never at girl sex, he/she never once done it. Dennis make sure in case that it might happen. That he/she might be a she fully and completely. If she done it. For some reason that he/she would do it. She like the taste of it. Far to wait every three night for two weeks each time. If she like the taste of it. Far to much to wait another two weeks or would he/she have the willpower to resist. Or she will be Dixie?

    1. I did it sort of werewolf, curse thing, from 6 o'clock at night to 6o'clock in the morning. He become a she. And at the new and full moon he is a her, and as a she, she got her first taste of Seamon, for some reason, she needs it. But she never at girl sex, but when it was a blue moon (which there is and I think its every two or three years. But if she had girl sex, she might be a girl forever or will she last the next three nights.) Or the curse be over?
