Saturday 29 July 2023

Guest Publication By Rhodry 29.07.23

Andrew couldn't believe it, his wife after that women's retreat, when she returned. She was basically a new person.

Now she doesn't complain about the housework or cooking the meals. She even make games out of it. Her personality was more cheerful and bubbly. She started to look more feminine that, being a 24 hour tomboy. I can't remember her wearing a skirt or dress. Or even some leggings, I can't remember the last time, she wore heels that was over inch or so. Now she walked in those three or three and half or was in four-inch heels. Now she is applying makeup more efficiently now. The sex once a week or ever two weeks, now it more once or two a day or more which I like allot. And strangely so did she.

Thou she turned a 180 - degrees around. So I decided to do some checking about her 16-week retreat, and what I follow was impossible, to fantastic to be true. I saw my wife do yoga and excise to tone up herself. What it that was impossible that he dare not reveal it. Andrew far to happy at the new her. To tell, (what was the secret that change her, that is the secret.)

So this is what she's been getting up to : requested by Anonymous

Oswald was about 90-years old and he knows that he's going to die maybe a year or two, three probably. The fact that is it will happen his body was wearing out, strangely enough mind was razor shaped. And he wasn't willing to go, to die, he felt that he had much more to give. So did allot of research, on how to extend his life. He looked, and looked for weeks and weeks until found, somethings that , might work.

Oswald wife, about 40 or 45 years younger or he is much older and very, very rich, probably one of the reasons. Why she married a guy older than her. He wasn't ready to leave his fortune to her or anyone else. So after studying and studying he knew it forward and backwards. He as he knew that soon that life would at an end. So, he prepares to transfer his fortune to his wife, his only living relations. On that night as he was getting weaker and weaker. Oswald decided to speak to words over and over again.

So, when he was chanting, Oswald's wife Glenda with her lovers, surprising the maid. He knew she might be a lesbian the maid not Glenda she is probably bisexually. And at that moment, both were nearly naked accept their hose and heels. Doing lesbian girls with each other. In that thrall of passion. Glenda slowly slipping away into his body. As he/she slowly her body. They were in thrall carnally passion. And in that moment, Oswald/Glenda was now a girl, a she, a woman now. It was the end of his old life, and the beginning of her new life, one of the things that to bury his/her body, Say goodbye to her/him. pretend to be the grief-stricken wife. Change my life, change my name than Glenda, I suspect that she never like it, and get her/my body in better shape, get a different wardrobe than those clothes, and I keep her/my lover for a time. I might want have a more younger body on hand in case. Beside I'm not ready for having sex with guy now. Maybe it that part of me. That's still a guy. Or something. BUT I'll have plenty of time, to figure out and money too.

Not a bad living.

Jonahan was financial planner. But that was barely a week ago.

He was good, really good at his job, his office was big and fancy office, of a person who commands people, he could make more money for people in a short time than many people in a year or two. But that was lifetime ago, or at least , a week ago. Jonahan woke that morning he did feel himself this morning. Before he realized that he was right. He noticed that he was right.

He was, he was in that body of that woman that, gave him the tip, thou he make a killing in it. And then some. But she did make something in it, he intentionally waited a little longer for her. So she wouldn't make so much in the tip. But she smart than that. So she learned that what he did. So if he didn't pay her, what is own. and then some. So that morning. Learning of her new job. To service men. Jonathan at to all to BJ's or anal or in his/her vagina. Jonathan to do it, his/her first time was interesting, part of him/her suck his/her penis, should been a horrible taste and experiences. But it didn't he/she like the taste of male jism. But that part of him/her hated it. But he could help enjoying the taste. Jonathan had to go to that cubical that was small barely a quarter size of his former office. He has about another 151 weeks. And maybe Jonathan be a man again. Which is doubtful, the woman who cause it is doubtful that Jonathan could survive mentally and emotionally doing such things.

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